In contrast to telemedicine, which is narrowly defined as the provision of medical services at a distance by a physician, telehealth is an umbrella term that covers telemedicine and a variety of nonphysician services, including telenursing and telepharmacy. Mobile health is a newer concept that ...
Cancer remains the leading cause of death, and individuals are unwilling to compromise on their care. When there is a need for social separation, rapid introduction of telehealth is tolerated well, with a clear “red line” for alterations in the current interactions of patients and physicians....
Educational intervention to increase nurses’ knowledge, self-efficacy and usage of telehealth: A multi-setting pretest-posttest study. Nurse Educ Pract. 2021;51. Pajares F, Urdan TC. Self-efficacy Beliefs of Adolescents. 2006. Orrange S, Patel A, Mack WJ, Cassetta J. Patient Satisfaction ...
Telemedicine, defined as the use of digital means and information sharing to provide health care from a distance or a new way to provide care through remote interaction, involves the utilization of telecommunication and information technologies to transfer clinical data; telemedicine enables remote clinic...
Since the terms, telehealth and telemedicine, are considered interchangeable [16], telemedicine will be used throughout this discussion. A definition from 1996 is as follows: “telemedicine is the use of electronic information and communications technologies to provide and support health care when dista...
As part of the broader concept of digital health or e-health,telemedicineis defined by the WHO as ““the practice of healthcare using interactive audio, visual, and data communications. This includes healthcare delivery, consultation, diagnosis, and treatment, as well as education and transfer ...
The Internet Hospital as a Telehealth Model in China: Systematic Search and Content Analysis. J Med Internet Res. 2020;22. C NHC. Measures for the administration of internet diagnosis and treatment (for trial implementation). 2018. Available from: http://www....
“Telemedicine” is a type of telehealth and is defined as “practicing medicine at a distance” to deliver clinical care only to patients through information technology and electronic communication [11,12]. Telemedicine is documented to be cost-effective [13] and is commonly used in the ...
15. Maurice AP, Punnasseril JEJ, King SE, Dodd BR (2020) Improving access to bariatric surgery for rural and remote patients: experiences from a state-wide bariatric telehealth service in Australia. Obes Surg 30(11):4401–4410 16. Schroeder C (2019) Pilot st...
Telehealth, is the universal term for a broad array of current telemedicine applications, including non-clinical services, such as instruction and training, administration, and continuing medical education; while telemedicine, is defined as, “the use of telecommunication and information technologies to ...