Overall, a gap was found in published reviews of NH telemedicine and technology studies from 2014 to 2020. Given the pace of technology development, a re-evaluation of the current evidence is needed. The purpose of this integrative review is therefore to evaluate and appraise the outcomes of ...
A. Aiken, MD, PhD, LBJ School of Public Affairs, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, 78712 (araa2@utexas.edu). Author Contributions: Dr Aiken had full access to all of the data in the study and takes responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the ...
VSee was a smashing success at this past weekend’s ATA show in Austin, TX. With a truly innovative approach to video conferencing, VSee telehealth completely stole the show from Polycom, Cisco, and Vidyo. The excited crowds kept the VSee team so busy throughout the entire conference that th...
This survey reviews several telecommunications technologies currently being proposed along with their standards and challenges. In general, an encompassing survey on the developments in telemedicine technology, standards, and protocols is presented while acquainting researchers with several open issues. Special...
About The Science Articles Reviews More FAQs Help Careers Press Become an Affiliate Refer a Friend Subscribe to our newsletter Get the latest updates of products and company updates Sign upEverlywell offers health and wellness solutions including laboratory testing for wellness monitoring, informational an...
(either internal or external) that conducts, for example, periodic, sample-based audits of billing and coding data and claims form reviews for issues such as site of service. Such reviews can detect potential issues early and preserve other avenues for resolving claims that the government...
This chapter reviews (1) the transfer of thermally injured patients from the pre-hospital setting, (2) the role of telemedicine and technology in the pre-hospital management of burn injuries and (3) the determination of the most appropriate method of transportation for thermally injured patients....
The attention of this article is for natural language processing in the Arabic context, therefore, this section reviews recent studies related to single or multiple diagnosis prediction in Arabic and other languages. 2.1. Diagnosis of a single disease Different studies have applied artificial ...
reviews were performed for four scenarios in which virtual management of patients would differ from direct visits [telemedicine in FPMRS patients, pessary management, urinary tract infection (UTIs), and urinary retention]. For scenarios in which the management via telemedicine would be similar to ...
Several reviews and systematic analyses provided an overview of randomized controlled clinical trials that aimed at investigating the efficiency of telemedicine-enhanced exercise programs on patients’ outcomes [57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73] (Table 1). Table 1. ...