2024年秋天,社交平台“电报”(Telegram)在外部压力下修改服务条款,以防该平台被犯罪分子滥用。据媒体披露的最新数据,新服务条款生效后,“电报”向美国政府提交的用户信息数量大幅增加。 据多家科技媒体1月7日报道,“电报”透明度报告中的数据显示,该平台自2024年初至12月13日期间满足了美国政府的900项执法请求,向后...
"Security for the state and people is important. That is why we execute the decision (to block Telegram)," the president said, adding that thousands of contents circulating in Telegram have been found to have potential threats to national security. Indonesia, through the Communication and Informat...
TEHRAN, April 30 (Xinhua) -- The Iranian Judiciary on Monday issued an order completely banning the use of the popular Telegram messaging application, Press TV reported. The ban results from the "harm" Telegram has done to the country's security, culture and economy during the past few years...
Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi said "if Telegram manager does not respect Iranians' demand, the application will be closed completely," the report said. "Following the Supreme National Security Council meeting, decision has been made to temporary filter Telegram (messaging App) to prevent activities ...
Telegram agreed to do so, but it refused to provide encryption keys, which could disclose users' private data. At that time Roskomnadzor decided not to block Telegram, but in October 2017, a Moscow court fined Telegram 800,000 rubles (about 13,800 U.S. dollars). Telegram appealed the ru...
On Jan. 3, Iran called on Telegram management to block some channels so as to curb spread of unrest in the country, which followed the protests against rising prices and economic situation that turned into sporadic violence in some places. ...
In response, Telegram's lawyers said that they would file an appeal at the Moscow City Court after a careful study of the ruling. In the meantime, Telegram's owner Pavel Durov said that the messaging app will use built-in methods to bypass the blocking, although full access to the service...
On Jan. 3, Iran called on Telegram management to block some channels so as to curb spread of unrest in the country, which followed the protests against rising prices and economic situation that turned into sporadic violence in some places. ...