推特改名“X” ,告别“小蓝鸟”时代 互联网社交平台推特大变样,距离马斯克构想中的互联网超级应用再进一步。当地时间7月24日,推特全新标志、名称以及域名陆续上线,用户可使用新域名“x.com”登陆,原有的“小蓝鸟”标志成为历史。 就在前一日,特斯拉CEO、推特拥有者马斯克在推特上说,不久大家就要对“推特”这个品牌...
"Security for the state and people is important. That is why we execute the decision (to block Telegram)," the president said, adding that thousands of contents circulating in Telegram have been found to have potential threats to national security. Indonesia, through the Communication and Informat...
"Security for the state and people is important. That is why we execute the decision (to block Telegram)," the president said, adding that thousands of contents circulating in Telegram have been found to have potential threats to national security. Indonesia, through the Communication and Informat...
财联社8月26日电,检察官称Telegram首席执行官的拘留期可能延长至8月28日。“特别声明:以上作品内容(包括在内的视频、图片或音频)为凤凰网旗下自媒体平台“大风号”用户上传并发布,本平台仅提供信息存储空间服务。 Notice: The content above (including the videos, pictures and audios if any) is uploaded and ...
The ban results from the "harm" Telegram has done to the country's security, culture and economy during the past few years, the report said. Earlier in the day, Tehran prosecutor's office for culture and media said in a statement that it has ordered internet service providers across the ...
In response, Telegram's lawyers said that they would file an appeal at the Moscow City Court after a careful study of the ruling. In the meantime, Telegram's owner Pavel Durov said that the messaging app will use built-in methods to bypass the blocking, although full access to the service...
中国游戏海外大扩张,他们苦学中文 悄悄告诉你,冬日的温柔都藏在林芝 中国年轻人“捡秋热”带动旅游新风潮 个性化定制护肤,会是一门好生意吗? 买手机壳都套用公款?堵住套取乡镇财政资金制度漏洞 小学生沉迷拍“烟卡”游戏 专家:家校合力对烟卡说不 天山净土 原始韵美 新疆木垒风光无限 热点视频 奇闻趣事 候鸟...