These services have to set up a permanent representative to the country to handle administrative affairs and settle judicial and legal issues, he added. In January, Iran temporarily filtered telegram "to prevent activities of anti-Revolution rioters," Minister of communications and information technology...
In response, Telegram's lawyers said that they would file an appeal at the Moscow City Court after a careful study of the ruling. In the meantime, Telegram's owner Pavel Durov said that the messaging app will use built-in methods to bypass the blocking, although full access to the service...
在感染者传播路径可视化方面,纽约时报的作品 How the Virus Won[57] 分析美国的疫情如何传播、爆发到失控;路透社作品 The Korean clusters [58]讲述了新型冠状病毒如何在韩国爆发,利用关系网络图追踪新冠肺炎的传播路径;the UW Network Modeling Group 制作的 Visualizing social distancing networks in the era of ...