Telegram agreed to do so, but it refused to provide encryption keys, which could disclose users' private data. At that time Roskomnadzor decided not to block Telegram, but in October 2017, a Moscow court fined Telegram 800,000 rubles (about 13,800 U.S. dollars). Telegram appealed the ru...
Police Chief General Tito Karnavian said they have identified domestic terrorist groups which have been actively using Telegram to facilitate their operations. He said Telegram becomes a favorite messaging service which highly accommodates their activities as it has sophisticated privacy with encryption fea...
The disputes between Telegram and the government arose after the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) issued an order in 2016, demanding all Internet service providers send to it the encryption keys of their users for the purpose of counter-terrorism. In June 2017, Roskomnadzor threatened to b...
On Monday, Roskomnadzor began blocking Telegram in accordance with a court decision due to the messenger's refusal to provide encryption keys necessary to decode user data. However, Telegram managed to bypass the blocking and continued its activities using IP addresses belonging to Google and other...
Roskomnadzor announced earlier that it had filed a lawsuit demanding Telegram be blocked after it failed to provide encryption keys to security services before the deadline. Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB) has been demanding access to messages on the popular messaging application on the sus...
Roskomnadzor announced earlier that it had filed a lawsuit demanding Telegram be blocked after it failed to provide encryption keys to security services before the deadline. Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB) has been demanding access to messages on the popular messaging application on the sus...