Description:This summery mix of yellow daisies, purple asters and hot pink and orange carnations - arranged in a clear ginger vase and adorned with a cheerful green bow - will make their wishes come true! You may also like Tell a Friend ...
$49.99Buy NowMake Merry by Teleflora $64.99Buy NowChristmas Wishes Centerpiece Bouquet $49.99Buy NowWinter Blooms Centerpiece Bouquet $64.99Buy NowTeleflora's Sprinkle Sparkle Bouquet $54.99Buy NowAll Is Bright Bouquet $59.99Buy NowTeleflora's Send A Hug Reindeer Wish Bouquet ...
Horrible. I wish I had read the other reviews before ordering. They offer same day service, which I ordered several hours ahead of the deadline for the time zone of the recipient. Four hours later I got an email saying my choice was not in stock, and to go online to make another cho...