For occasions requiring a get-well-soon message, the 20% coupon Teleflora applicable on get well flowers is handy. New customers are especially welcomed at Teleflora with an exclusive $10 off sitewide on purchases of $50 or more, using one of the coupons. These coupons not only bring immedia...
There is not a Teleflora friends and family sale. You can refer your friends to get bonus points as a rewards member though. What is the return policy? The Teleflora return policy asks you to do a few things to get your money back. You need to start the process as soon as possible ...
Make someone smile with this bright yellow happy face mug filled with cheery fresh flowers! A great way to say happy birthday, cheer up, thanks, you make me happy, or feel better soon. Supplies are limited in some areas, and an alternate mug may sometimes be substituted if necessary. (Fl...
happy with this at all I got was 30% discount I took a picture of the flowers at the funeral home to show you it's not the same thing I ordered I should get a full credit not just 30% my email is I am not a happy customer I hope to hear from you soon ...