To use your Teleflora coupon code, add at least one bouquet or another item to your virtual shopping bag. The Teleflora checkout process is easy and has a designated spot for your code. Enter it in that box and click on the “apply” button on the side of it. Teleflora should accept ...
Get a bigger bouquet! Grab $10 off orders of $60 or more with this code at teleflora. See Promo Code Most popular offers this week 20%OFF Receive 20% off our Winter Flower Collection with this code at teleflora. See Promo Code 20%OFF Grab 20% off Sympathy & Funeral Flowers with ...
The worst customer service experience. I selected a standard bouquet from the website for my mother's 86th birthday. After 6 phone calls over 3 days,and being guaranteed delivery, Teleflora cancelled my order, and Mom never got her flowers. Terrible and frustrating experience. ...