Portable trace oxygen analyzers Percent oxygen analyzers Portable percent oxygen analyzers Area monitors Special oxygen applications Combustion and emission analyzers Photometers Special applications and sensing technologies Gas Chromatography Total Sulfur Multi-point combustibles analysis Thermal conductivity Plasma ...
Trace oxygen cell for use in TurbO2 analyzer. Provides rapid recovery from air calibration (approximately 20 minutes). Low range limit is 0-100 ppm. Has three pin contact system. Z-2Coxygen sensor C6689-Z2C Has the same features as the S-2, except configured for use in the Model 3190...
The Model 3000TA makes the task of trace oxygen analysis easier, faster and more precise than ever before. Simple menu choices, membrane command switches and a large LED display make setup and operation clear and quick.(3000TA型使痕量氧分析任务比以往任何时候都更容易、更快和更精确。简单的菜单...
Teledyne氧气传感器|黛尔特(北京)科技有限公司 氧分析仪用氧气传感器型号:A-2C、A-2CXL、A-5、B-1、B-1C、B-2C、B-2CXL、B-3、E-2、InstaTrace、InstaTrace-CO2、InstaTrace-XL和L-2C。 潜水用氧传感器型号:R-17S、R-22S、R-33S和R-33S-1。Teledyne氧气传感器|黛尔特(北京)科技有限公司 汽车用氧气...
Model 3110 Portable Oxygen AnalyzerTrace/Percent, Intrinsically SafeGENERAL DESCRIPTION• Intrinsically safe, FM/FMc or ATEX approved.• Digital meter readout• 0-1 VDC output, data logging capabilities• Ideal for measuring O2 in natural gas and a variety...
交易:TRACE NITROGEN ANALYSERTELEDYNETYPE 2110 (SERIAL NUMBER 2120) (GOODS IMPORTED ARE ON RETURNABLE BASIS) (THERE IS NO CO 数据已更新至2024-12-31 globatronix bombay pvt ltd. india|7907笔交易 活跃值77 推荐:近两年采购teledyne共5笔记录,占该司近两年2807笔总交易的0.18%。
MODELANALYZER TYPERANGES 8800 Series Trace moisture analysis instrumentation-100 to 20C or -65 to 20C based on sensor MODELANALYZER TYPERANGES LXT-330 / LXT-380 Smart Transmitter and Sensors for pH, Conductivity, Resistivity, ORP, Dissolved Oxygen, Specific Ion (pION), Turbidity and Chlorine Dioxi...
More than 1000 ppm up to 100% CO2 in the background gasAll trace oxygen instrumentsA-2C Note: To use the A-2C or B-2C sensor in a 3000T series instrument, adapter part number B66378 is required. Note: The L-2C sensor cannot be used in our older analog models (300 series). ...
Model 470 Dissolved Ozone Analyzer 2 Pages Model W1 + 465L Dissolved Ozone Analyzer 2 Pages The Model T753U Portable Trace-Level O3 Calibrator 2 Pages The Model T200P 2 Pages Model 651 2 Pages T Series Instruments 6 Pages Model 465L + O2 Industrial Hygiene Ozone Analyzer with Oxygen Sensor...
Founded in 1964, Teledyne Analytical Instruments manufactures gas and liquid analyzers, sensors and custom integrated analysis solutions. This includes hazardous area solutions meeting current NEC, ATEX and IECEx and ISO 9001 standards.