Teledyne RD Instruments - Headquarters 14020 Stowe Drive PowayCalifornia92064 United States Phone:+1-858-842-2600 Web: Fax:+1 8588422822 Teledyne RD Technologies 1311 Holiday Inn Business Building 899 Dongfang Road, Pu Dong ...
Welcome to Teledyne RD Instruments From the shallowest stream to the deepest ocean, from a tiny raft to a towering offshore platform, Teledyne RD Instruments is the industry leader in acoustic Doppler innovations used for current profiling, waves measurement, and precision navigation applications. To...
A story about the JAMSTEC research vessel Kaiyo and its unique find using an Ocean Surveyor 38 kHz in the South pacific. Presented by: Darryl Symonds, Teledyne RD InstrumentsShare Embed Email Download Rate this video 1 star 2 star 3 star 4 star 5 star 6 star 7 star 8 star 9 star 10 ...
Teledyne RD Instruments was founded in 1982 and revolutionized the industry through the development of the first acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP). Now a part of the Teledyne Marine group, Teledyne RD Instruments continues to be an innovative force in the industry by designing, improv...
RD Instruments At Teledyne RD Instruments, our service begins with the sale of our products. Our team of trained service engineers is available to assist you, providing you with answers to your questions, and resolutions to any technical difficulties you might encounter. ...
联系/足迹 公司概况 性质:外企代表处 规模:少于50人 行业:其他行业 全称:Teledyne RD Instruments。 公司介绍 公司(美资)从事于研究和生产与海洋、湖泊、河流以及人工水体的科研与调查有关的仪器,主要产品如:CTD传感器 海流计 海洋调查仪器等等;公司ADCP产品系列已在全世界范围成为科学家及工程技人员用以测量水流的通...
China: Teledyne RD Technology Room1006,10th Floor Century Link Tower One No.1198 Century Avenue Pudong District, Shanghai 200122 China. Phone: +86 21 6867 1428 Quality Policy At Teledyne RD Instruments, quality is defined as providing the best-in-cla...
Teledyne RD Instruments (TRDI) said it has added new features for its Sentinel V Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP). Originally designed for self-contained current profiling and waves measurement applications, the ADCP’s functionality was recently expanded to allow for real-time applications at...
China: Teledyne RD Technology Room1006,10th Floor Century Link Tower One No.1198 Century Avenue Pudong District, Shanghai 200122 China. Phone: +86 21 6867 1428 Quality Policy At Teledyne RD Instruments, quality is defined as providing the best-in-cla...
China: Teledyne RD Technology Room1006,10th Floor Century Link Tower One No.1198 Century Avenue Pudong District, Shanghai 200122 China. Phone: +86 21 6867 1428 Quality Policy At Teledyne RD Instruments, quality is defined as providing the best-in-cla...