This move comes after the Telangana government curbed excessive price hikes seen for blockbusters like RRR, Salaar, Kalki, and Pushpa 2, which ranged from Rs 400 to Rs 1,100. Telangana, with its 400-odd theaters (300 of which are single screens), has also prohibited special and extra ...
Out of the various isotopes, the isotopes which are practically significant to the inhalation radiation dose are 222Rn and 220Rn, called as radon and thoron. The first one is more abundant, has half-life of 3.8 days and comes from the decay of 226Ra. The latter has a very short half-...
which is also a face) and dermatological make-up. Renowned for his ‘bog poetics’, Heaney turned to the bog, the peat and the mud. Take for instance ‘Bogland’:
(2020). Effects of integrated farming system and rainwater harvesting on livelihood improvement in north-Eastern region of India compared to traditional shifting cultivation: Evidence from an action research. Agroforestry Systems, 94(2), 451–464. Article Google Scholar Reddy, G. K., Govardhan, ...