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在研发实验室中,Tektronix 370A Curve Trace 用于表征新设计、提取 SPICE 参数、故障分析和数据表生成。在制造测试中,它用于验证设备质量和过程监控。Tektronix 370A Curve Tracer 用于进货检验以验证设备性能、执行故障分析和匹配组件。 泰克370A 曲线跟踪仪的特性和规格包括:...
Tektronix370曲线追踪器泰克371A/泰克370A/泰克370B追踪仪 Tektronix370曲线追踪器 胡181-2460-9721 370 是 Tektronix 的 Curve Tracer。曲线跟踪器或曲线检查器是工程师用来分析半导体器件特性的一种电子测试设备。曲线追踪器包含电流和电压源,以刺激被测设备 (EUT)。曲线跟踪器将扫描电压施加到 EUT 的两个端子,测...
Interactive control of all 370A/371A measurements is accomplished from the full featured front panel or over the GPIB. Every operating parameter can be controlled using a GPIB controller. For interactive control, Metrics software provides complete control and analysis without having to program the ins...
The 370A and 371A replaced the earlier 370 and 371. What's the difference? Answer : The non-A models employed bubble memory storage for curves and setups. The A models have floppy drives and more storage for curves and setups. For current Tektronix curve tracers, see Keithley I-V ...
A functional successor to Tektronix landmark curve tracers like the 576 and 370A, I-V Tracer with Keithley SourceMeter instruments offer the first modern alternative to the direct control of a curve tracer. Add a simple desktop solution rather than searching for overpriced repair parts or replacem...
Tektronix 370A Measured Value: 0 V to 2000 V Com interface: standalone Power: N/A W Tektronix 371A Measured Value: 0 V to 3000 V Com interface: standalone Power: N/A W Tektronix 577D2 Measured Value: 0 V to 1600 V Com interface: standalone Power: 220 W SHAREComments...
This all-in-one instrument has the capabilities of a: Precision power supply with V and I readback True current source Digital multimeter (DCV, DCI, ohms, and power with 6½-digit resolution) Precision electronic load Trigger controller