Putra, Rendra MahessaSembiring, Edison C.Ramli, SoehatmanJournal of Syntax Literate
MySQL proposes to use functions to update record in a single operation in order to update data in onerecord in one table. This technique is not appropriate if data type of the data is large size, such as text or longtext. this paper proposes timestamp technique to support the update more...
Natalia Tangke, 2004, "Analisis Penerimaan Penerapan Teknik Audit Berbantuan Komputer (TABK) dengan Menggunakan Technology Acceptance Models (TAM) pada Badan Permeriksa Keuangan (BPK) RI" Jurnal Akuntansi dan Keuangan Vol. 6 No.1 hal: 10-28...