Analyze and design buildings efficiently with Tekla Structural Designer Seamlessly combine the design and analysis into one easy and efficient single model-based process. Deliver safe, effective and rationalized design more quickly, regardless of structural material. Try it for yourself and revolutionize ...
加利福利亚州森尼维尔,2022 年 3 月 9 日—Trimble(纳斯达克股票代码:TRMB)今天宣布推出适用于建筑信息建模 (BIM)、结构工程设计和钢结构加工管理的最新版 Tekla® 软件解决方案:Tekla Structures 2022、Tekla Structural Designer 2022、Tekla Tedds 2022 和 Tekla PowerFab 2022(目前仅Tekla Structures在中国大陆有...
软件依赖:Tekla Structures 2020需要安装Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2、Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable Package和DirectX 11。如果用户需要使用Tekla Tedds、Tekla Structural Designer或Tekla EPM等相关软件,则还需要安装相应的软件。建议安装最新的显卡驱动程序以获得最佳性能。
2022年3月9日,位于加利福利亚州森尼维尔的Trimble公司宣布了一套全新的软件解决方案,包括Tekla Structures 2022、Tekla Structural Designer 2022、Tekla Tedds 2022和Tekla PowerFab 2022(在中国大陆的销售仅限于Tekla Structures)。这些更新旨在进一步推动建筑信息建模(BIM)、结构工程设计和钢结构加工管理...
Tekla Structures 2022 利用输出到 Tekla Structural Designer 功能,您可以输出整个 Tekla Structures 模型或模型的选定子集。输出的 .cxl 文件可以上传到 Tekla Structural Designer 以更新模型,或者基于 Tekla Structures 模型创建新的 Tekla Structural Designer 模型。
1、选择您要设置的国家通过从Windows“开始”菜单中选择它或双击桌面图标来启动Tekla Structural Designer。出现一个对话框,您可以在其中选择设置。选择一个适合您项目所在地区的国家/地区。单击“确定”。将显示Tekla Structural Designer界面,其中包含为所选国家/地区配置的设置。2、检查或更改设置您可以随时检查或更改...
7.2 Changes in attachment of rebar set bars • Improvements in automatic attachment of rebar set bars to concrete parts were introduced in Tekla Structures 2022 SP2 and SP4. • The commands Attach to part and Detach from part were added to the property modifier context menu in Tekla ...
Learn moreabout Trimble ID Watch instructional video of the trial process What is Tekla Structural Designer? Learn about Tekla subscription plans
Trimble Tekla Structural Design 2022 激活方法 1、安装Tekla Structural Designer 2022; 此内容仅限已购买及VIP用户查看! 5、Tekla Structural Designer 2022 破解完成 百度网盘下载 资源下载 资源下载价格1元点击检测网盘有效后购买或升级VIP后免费升级VIP
Tekla Structural Designer LT seamlessly combines design and analysis in one software solution, giving all engineers the power to profitably analyze and design small structures. Start free trial Why Tekla Structural Designer LT? Improve productivity, enhance accuracy and manage changes easily Design faster...