The same scene also shows an arcade cabinet of Tekken 5.[44] In the episode "Trip to the Sea" of True Beauty.[45] In the episode "Just Friends" of Our Beloved Summer. [46] In the episode "Yangtze River Dolphin" of Extraordinary Attorney Woo, alongside Tekken Tag Tournament 2.[47]...
I can also take my Arcade Quest avatar into a social lobby and hop on an actual arcade cabinet, with other players able to walk over and play with me. Being able to walk around and see other players sitting on the floor with a fightstick or playing at a cab was really cool, and I...
Harada also said that Tekken 7 arcade release will be have network features very similar to Tekken Tag Tournament 2 and that Tekken 7 will be feature the character designs of seven guest artists, including Mari Shimazaki (Bayonetta), Yusuke Kozaki (Fire Emblem Awakening, No More Heroes), Ninnin...