TEKKEN 8 - Ultimate Pack Глобальні оцінкигравців 4.06Середняоцінка: 4.06 зп’ятизірокнаоснові 31 оцінок Оцінки: 31 71% 3% Відомості прогрутаправова інфо...
Through a solid and unique gameplay on top of an epic storyline, discover the TEKKEN franchise. With over 45 million games sold, the TEKKEN series is the bestselling fighting game franchise of all times .
TEKKEN 8 - Ultimate Pack Logg på for å vurdere Global spillervurdering 4.10Gjennomsnittlig vurdering 4.1 stjerner av 5 fra 31 vurderinger 31 vurderinger 71 % 3 % 6 % 3 % 16 % Spillinformasjon og juridisk informasjon Ultimate Pack inneholder følgende:• Avatarkostyme: Classic...
TEKKEN 7 - DLC4: Anna Williams 5,99 € TEKKEN 7 - DLC5: Lei Wulong 5,99 € TEKKEN 7 - DLC6: Craig Marduk 5,99 € TEKKEN 7 - DLC7: Armor King 5,99 € TEKKEN 7 - DLC8: Julia Chang 5,99 € TEKKEN 7 - DLC10: Zafina 5,99 € TEKKEN 7 - DLC11: Ganryu 5,99 € TEKKEN...
Through a solid and unique gameplay on top of an epic storyline, discover the TEKKEN franchise. With over 45 million games sold, the TEKKEN series is the bestselling fighting game franchise of all times .
Discover a Gentle Monster ✕ TEKKEN 8 collaboration that seamlessly blends reality with the gaming world.
De Ultimate Edition bevat: • TEKKEN 8 • Speelbaar personage Jaar 1 pas - Extra speelbaar personage: Lidia, Eddy Gordo, Heihachi en Clive - PHOENIX GATE als gevechtsarena - Avatarskin: Kinjin • Personagekostuum: Gold Suit-pack - 1 kostuum per speelbaar personage (32 in totaal...
铁拳移动版(Tekken) 0.7.2 运行环境:Android 软件语言:简体中文 软件分类:安卓游戏/格斗游戏 授权方式:免费软件 软件大小:35.08MB 更新时间:2024-06-29 tag标签: 铁拳移动版(Tekken)软件简介 【Tekken游戏介绍】 Tekken游戏(易速软件园提供下载)是一款热血刺激的动作格斗类手游!该游戏采用真实的物理引擎,将所有的战...
Jun Kazama(風間 準Kazama Jun?)is a character in theTekkenseries who made her debut inTekken 2. She is the mother ofJin Kazama, having raised him alone after failing to save Jin's father,Kazuya Mishima, fromDevil's influence. Jin assumes her to be dead after witnessing her being attacked...
铁拳(Iron Fist,本名:丹尼·兰德)是美国漫威漫画旗下超级英雄,初次登场于《漫威首映》(Marvel Premiere)第15期(1974年5月),由作家罗伊·托马斯和铅笔画家吉尔·凯恩联合创造。[1] 丹尼·兰德是第66位任铁拳,除了他的前辈奥尔森·兰德尔(Orsen Randall)以外,其他64位都是中国人。(在《铁拳:不朽武器》中一位名叫...