TekfilTMN cartridges provide filtration where the cost of filtration is critical. Suitable for the filtration of aqueous and organic liquids, TekfilTM cartridges can be used as prefilters or final filters in the following applications: • Food and beverage Process water, polishing lines and clarif...
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fil-tek makine / reliable and sustainable solutions for air pollution control systems.fil-tek makine plays a crucial role in creating sustainable environments globally through turnkey projects.our successfully implementing systems are:bag house filters,heat exchanger for gas cooling,desox, denox, dehcl...
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I am creating a CD with which I need the user to be able to save some HiRes artwork from the CD to their desktop. Is there any lingo that will allow...
Skapa en resurs och ladda upp en fil C# // Get a connection string to our Azure Storage account. You can// obtain your connection string from the Azure Portal (click// Access Keys under Settings in the Portal Storage account blade)// or using the Azure CLI with:/// az storage account...
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Zastosuj kryteria filtrowania, aby uwzględnić lub wykluczyć zawartość przed wykonaniem zapytania tekstowego w usłudze Azure AI Search.
W okienku Filtry przelotek, w obszarze Filtruj według rozmiaru, zdefiniować kryteria filtrowania: OpcjaOpis Większe niż Wyklucza przelotki o średnicy większej niż podana wartość. Wprowadzić wartość, kliknąć lub bądź przeciągnąć suwak . Mni...