Find tehsil map of Mandsaur, highlights the name and location of all the tehsils in Tehsil Map of Mandsaur district, Madhya Pradesh.
Tehsil Map of Coimbatore Click here for Customized Maps *Coimbatore Tehsil Map highlights the name and location of all the mandals in Coimbatore district, Tamil Nadu.Disclaimer Close Disclaimer:All efforts have been made to make this image accurate. However Mapping Digiworld Pvt Ltd and its director...
Dilawara reservoir of Dhar, Madhya Pradesh, India; an important drinking water source of Dhar tehsil is also widely used for fishculture besides irrigation and domestic purpose. In the present study, the demersal fish fauna of Dilawara Reservoir were selected for the gut cont...
the temple is connected to lord Ganesh and goddess Parvati. In this temple, Ganesha sat as a doorkeeper by goddess Parvati to avoid anyone entering without permission. This temple is the one where the god Shiva cut the head of the god Ganesha and...
The encroacher's enemy ; A polio-stricken tehsildar in Madhya Pradesh is on a mission to free government land from the clutches of encroachers. He goes boldly where even the able-bodied men fear to tread. For Mukul Gupta, the disability of lower limbs is hardly a handicap when it comes...
Piper betle L.: A major Medicinal and Cultural plant of Bhanpura Tehsil of Mandsaur District (Madhya Pradesh)Vishwakarma, Vikram KumarPurohit, MadhuInternational Journal of Pharmacy & Life Sciences
Journal of human ecology (Delhi, India)Kshatriya, Gautam K., Singh, Paramjeet and Basu, Salil K.: Fertility and mortality in Bison Horn Madias of Dantewara Tehsil of Bastar District, Madhya Pradesh. J. Hum. Ecol., 4(2): 93-96 (1993)....
Find Tehsil Map of Udalguri, highlights the name and location of all the circles in Udalguridistrict, Assam
*Sambalpur Tehsil Map highlights the name and location of all the tehsils in the District.Disclaimer Close Disclaimer:All efforts have been made to make this image accurate. However Mapping Digiworld Pvt Ltd and its directors do not own any responsibility for the correctness or authenticity of the...
In order to evaluate the density, frequency, and abundance of the tree of Bichhua Tehsil, district Chhindwara, Madhya Pradesh, India, a systematic sampling technique was utilized to gather vegetation data from the natural vegetation. According to the study, there are 2...