血凝块功能是好的,但由于血小板-内皮间的粘附性差,造成血凝块不能粘附到受损的血管位置。建议采用DDAVP(释放VWF因子)或FF P/冷沉淀(含有VWF因子)。考虑抗血小板药物作用:采用血小板图检测抗血小板治疗的影响。考虑机械性出血:如果排除了VWF因子缺 乏和抗血小板药物的影响,最后应该考虑是由于手术原因造成出血。复温和MA...
2、功能正正常常图图形形凝血模式凝血模式级联模式级联模式初使凝血初使凝血第二阶段第二阶段凝血凝血第三阶段第三阶段凝血凝血IIa监测监测: 级联反应模式级联反应模式PT 和和 aPTT 凝血因子的功能 血浆基础 PT/INR: coumadin(华法林) aPTT: 肝素 凝血连续反应的一个阶段/clinpath/modules/coags/coag.htmAccessed ...
Heparin detection by the activated coagulation time: a comparison of the sensitivity of coagulation tests and heparin assays. 《ACT检测肝素:凝血测试与肝素测试敏感性的比较》 Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 1997 Feb;11(1):24-8. Murray DJ, Brosnahan WJ, Department of Anesthesia, Washington University ...
历史机器型号:2000,3000,4000,5000 大纲 •TEG®分析仪的一般概念•TEG®技术的应用 普通检测肝素酶检测血小板图检测 TEG®分析仪 特点 温度显示&控制 两个独立的通道 电脑数据收集&储存自动生成诊断 TEG®技术 原理 电磁场 感应针 试杯 0.36ml毫升全血 TEG®技术 血块形成过程 Data---独...
[100 – MA]); HCR: hemostatic control resuscitation; HF: hyperfibrinolysis; INR: international normalized ratio; INTEM: intrinsically activated test using ellagic acid; IQR: interquartile range; ISS: injury severity score; K: kinetic time (time between 2 and 20 mm amplitude achieved in TEG®...
Heparin detection by the activated coagulation time: a comparison of the sensitivity of coagulation tests and heparin assays.ACT检测肝素:凝血测试与肝素测试敏感性的比较 Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 1997 Feb;11(1):24-8. Murray DJ, Brosnahan WJ, Department of Ane 31、sthesia, Washington University ...
肝素检测的敏感性 Heparin detection by the activated coagulation time: a comparison of the sensitivity of coagulation tests and heparin assays. 《ACT检测肝素:凝血测试与肝素测试敏感性的比较》 Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 1997 Feb;11(1):24-8. Murray DJ, Brosnahan WJ, Department of Anesthesia, ...