With TESOL certification, you can realize your dream of teaching English all over the world! Not only these countries in the picture, the TESOL certificate is officially recognized in 150 countries/regions worldwide, with more than 150,000 certified students worldwide! 中国/China 日本/Japan 澳...
【TEFL中国总部官网】TEFL中国区唯一总部机构和首席代表官网。TEFL in China 提供中国地区学员考试报名认证服务以及推荐就业。TEFL/TESOL国际英语教师资格证书成就国际英语教师梦想。TEFL证书国际认可,全球通用。Get tefl/tesol certification and teach english Globally.
Travel the world and earn money - A recognized TEFL certification is your passport to the world, providing the opportunity to live in another country, rather than just pass through as a tourist. As a TEFL teacher, you can gain deeper insight into your host culture, become part of a communi...
1/什么是TEFL/TESOL国际英语教师证书? TEFL证书(Teaching English as a Foreign Language),是全球公认的ESL国际教师职业证书,是针对英语教师的职业能力的认证(Professional Competence Certification of English Teachers),持有者被认可为相应英语教学领域的合格教师。 TEFL证书不仅代表持有者的英语教学技能和学术的国际标准,...
TEFL 课程保障 咨询表单 副标题 姓名 * 电话 * 课程 * 提交 联系我们 Contact us —— 报名邮箱 :amy@teflinchina.com 郑州客服微信:MyTESOL 郑州咨询电话:0371-86566996 郑州考点地址:郑州市管城区航海东路36号1号楼3层301号 TESOL直通车 @版权所有 Copyright2021 Maidi Education Co.,Ltd TESOL报考人群 TES...
” They are both acronyms that essentially mean the same thing: teaching the English language to non-native speakers. Likewise, in the vast majority cases, when it comes to teaching English abroad, a “TEFL certification” and a “TESOL certificati...
OnTESOL is recognized by TESL Canada and TESL Ontario. Get your TEFL / TESL / TESOL certification to teach English abroad, online, and in Canada or the USA
【官网】TEFL in China作为TEFL官方首席代表,全面负责中国大陆地区 TEFL业务的开展。TEFL证书,是实力象征,也是走向国际的敲门砖!现如今英语是国际化市场的必备项,TEFL/TESOL证书更是界定国际英语教学水平的重要条件,拥有一张含金量极高的国际认可的TESOL/TEFL证书,就
六、TESOL课程设置 1.TESOL国际少儿英语教师资格认证 TESOL for Children Certification Online Program 2. TESOL国际商务英语教师资格认证 TESOL for Business Certification Online Program 3. TESOL国际高级英语教师资格认证 TESOL Advanced Certification Online Program ...
TESOL certification.In practical terms, when these terms are applied to the field of teaching English abroad, there is little or no difference between “TEFL” and “TESOL.” They are both acronyms that essentially mean the same thing: teaching the English language to non-native speakers. ...