Notre préparation couvre toutes les versions du TEF :TEF CANADA / TEFAQ / TEF IRN / TEF MODULAIRE Des vidéo de simulation de l’épreuve d’expression orale. Des astuces méthodologiques pour chacune des épreuves.PrepMyTEF Our partnership with the creators of the TEF: PrepMyFuture and the...
TEF Preparation Online Prepare to achieve your target score on the Test d’évaluation de français (TEF), TEF Canada or TEF Québec through a flexible virtual program.Overview Program Snapshot Classes Prepare for the TEF test online in interactive classes with other international students. The...
POINT3 offers Personalized Business English and French language programs and is an Official exam center for TEFAQ & TEF Canada preparation. Contact us!
The TEF Canada exam is recognized by the Federal government of Canada as a proof proficiency in French in immigration procedures. Our French Course focuses on getting higher score in the TEF Canada test. An intensive Preparation course that equips the aspirants with the needed skills to clear ...
DELF A2,Exam tips DELF A2 production orale: How to describe someone in French DELF A2,Exam tips DELF A2 Production Orale: How to talk about different sports in french Exam tips,TEF,TEF Canada,TEFAQ TEF expression orale preparation section A : Asking about housing ...
我在学 法语 按以下条件筛选教师 法语 我在学 来自 价格 也会说 教師品質 专长 TEF for Québec 可上课的时间 搜索 查找老师 找到的法语老师:29 我的最爱 按相关性排序 根据您的筛选条件找到的最佳匹配 Mourad H. 文化视角 超出预期 適合初學者
POINT3 offers Personalized Business English and French language programs and is an Official exam center for TEFAQ & TEF Canada preparation. Contact us!