The tooth must be favored so the level of pressure it’s exposed to doesn’t damage it further (like when you’re eating). As a way of helping to minimize the amount of force that the tooth receives, your dentist may trim it so it’s slightly shorter (referred to as “taking the ...
In a healthy rabbit, the top and bottom incisors touch when the mouth is closed. However, the cheek teeth don't constantly meet. When eating, the rabbit uses the incisors to grab and cut food. Then, the food gets transferred to the cheek teeth for grinding in a side-to-side motion. ...
It's on the right side of that little arch, it's very red and it seems to have a little blister there too, it is so sore and my right ear is hurting too it hurts EVERY TIME I swallow especially when I eat! I had a bump on my tongue on that same side and it HURT! But it...
If you want to keep drinking and eating things that are known to discolor your teeth, be sure to: rinse your mouth right afterward; use a straw when drinking dark or sugary beverages; try to quit or at least cut down on alcohol, smoking and other tobacco products; introduce more fiber-...
What’s more, if there are any problems with your teeth, dentists can help you. Dentists have tools(工具)that clean teeth better than you can at home. And they have special cameras to take pictures of your teeth. If your teeth are hurting, a dentist can fix them. ...
Cats struggling with a dental disease may be in pain but not showing it, as cats are really good at hiding when they’re hurting. That’s why it’s important to take your pet for regular checkups, even if they’re acting healthy. ...
Re: Eating Fruit now Teeth have become Sensitive Posted by:Elayne() Date: March 08, 2008 07:18PM Phantom.. ouch... I too the last couple of days not only have my teeth been hurting.. but now my entire mouth has felt ravished... Although instead of stepping up my raw, I have ...
Wehumansareonlybornwithonesetofeyes,soit’sourjobtotakecareofthemforourwholelives.Thegoodnewsisthatifwedoafewsimplethingseveryday,wecanprotect(保护)oureyesightandreduce(减少)therisk(风险)ofeverhurtingoureyes. Mostdoctorsagreethatwecanimproveandprotectgoodeyesightbyeatinglotsoffreshfruitsandvegetables.Itisespeci...
When I used to go to a function, I used to take my plate separately. I used to hide behind the pillar and eat, so that people don’t see me eating.” (Male, Completely edentulous participant). Teeth were considered important to function well at work: “I go to some supply work, ...
You need to pick the right methods to get back to a gorgeous smile without hurting your teeth or having your teeth hurt you. Knowing the right ingredients and their potential was key for me to be able to make progress. From my initial investigation some of the methods can hurt your ...