Sleep apnea and bruxism.Treatment for your sleep apnea may help your bruxism as well. If you use a CPAP or BiPAP machine, your airway will be kept open by the air forced into your nose or mouth, or both. This may reduce your teeth grinding. Another treatment for sleep apnea is a mand...
Clenching or grinding your teeth while you're asleep is pretty common among children and adults. But when it starts to cause headaches, tooth or jaw pain, or damage to your teeth, it's time to talk to your dentist about bruxism. A common treatment for sleep bruxism is a night guard. ...
Our dentists at TEETH @ Tiong Bahru address teeth grinding in children and sleep bruxism in children by identifying and treating the underlying condition to avoid more severe consequences, including tooth fractures, root canal treatments, and, in the wor
Becauseteethgrinding -- or bruxism -- often occurs duringsleep, most people are unaware that they do it. However, if you often wake up with a dull, constant headache or a sore jaw, there is a good chance you aregrinding your teethat night. Many times, people learn that they grind thei...
Teeth grinding, also medically known as bruxism, most commonly impacts people in their sleep. This is one of the most damaging dental disorders that many people do not even realize because it happens unconsciously while awake or during their sleep. ...
While it may seem like a relatively mild condition, teeth grinding can actually cause serious health issues and should be treated as quickly as possible. In addition to dental treatment, you should also consider natural cures, such as vitamin B5, magnesium, and calcium. ...
If you have been grinding your teeth while sleeping, you might have bruxism. This is an oral condition that can cause teeth problems and jaw pain. People with teeth grinding problems don’t notice when it happens because they are asleep. Therefore, schedule an appointment with your doctor imme...
Teeth grinding can also be an unconscious behavior. People may grind their teeth while sleeping or while focusing on something else. If you notice you grind your teeth while sleeping, consider talking to a sleep specialist. They can help you find out if there is something else going on. ...
If you notice your teen clenching or grinding their teeth while sleeping or during wakeful hours, speak with your dentist immediately about ways to prevent further damage. Treatments available include the following: Occlusal Splints A custom nightguard or occlusal splint is asplint retainerdesigned sp...
the teeth clamp down upon the undulating connector with the lip plate positioned between the teeth and the inner portions of the upper and lower lips. As a result of proper application of the apparatus breathing at night is normalized, while snoring, grinding of the teeth, and apena are prev...