There are surveillance cameras, "no trespassing" signs, and 24-hour security onsite, but it took the teens' own YouTube video to catch them. The three teens are all charged with criminal trespass and due in court in August. They could all get up to three months in jail. A security rev...
He went to jail for resisting and his courage made the United States a fairer place for all Americans. [ages 10 and up] Temple Alley Summer by Sachiko Kashiwaba, illustrated by Miho Satake, translated by Avery Udagawa Review by Ms. Yingling Reads: “This is a very gentle ghost story ...
YouTubeis one of the most, if not THE most, popular internet platforms available to teens right now. According toThe Pew Research Centersurvey, 85 percent of U.S. teens, ages 13 to 17, use YouTube. While much of the content is good, there is still going to be inappropriate material ...
The four teens will remain held without bail, but a judge on Tuesday granted a joint request from prosecutors and defense attorneys to transfer them from the county jail to the juvenile detention center, citing the teens' safety. At least eight students between the ages of 13 and 17 ha...
The defense attorneys for 17-year-old Daniel Petric tried to avoid jail time for their client by using the insanity defense after Petric was charged with killing his mother and shooting his father in the face after they took away his "Halo 3" video game. ...
Capper:People are quick to forget this because of the environment now. Marijuana was certainly illegal. The consequences were very real. Smoking it, transporting it, selling it, buying it, it was all secretive and a lot of energy went into it. You could go to jail for 10 years for a ...
Children in programs like River View usually haven't earned a criminal record, but according to a former staff member, the staff were trained to treat students with suspicion. "They told me these children were about to go to jail," the former staff member told BuzzFeed News. "They were de...