The messages surrounding marijuana use are, to say the least, a mixed bag. There are those who support legalization and those who vehemently oppose the idea. There are those who tout cannabis' medical benefits and those who declare it a gatewa...
Adolescents vacillate between being children and being adults. They are adjusting to the physiologic changes their bodies are undergoing and are working to establish a sexual identification and to use these changes for their personal benefit and for the benefit of society. They are searching for pers...
Weissman said the level of drug use among the teens in the study was typical of teens that age — about half had used drugs before, and they did not use drugs very frequently. "It's possible, but seems unlikely, that that level of use would produce significant changes [in the brain],...
Scott Richardson
Young people's drug use: facts and feelings Much is known about patterns of drug use by young people-especially in terms of measures of ''ever'' usage; but relatively little is known about young peop... C Wibberley,JF Price - 《Journal of Child Health Care for Professionals Working with...
Daily marijuana use today can have stronger effects on a developing teen brain than it did 10 or 20 years ago, Volkow said. [10 Facts Every Parent Should Know About Their Teen's Brain] Although a matter of debate, many studies have suggested that marijuana use during the teen years, when...
Alcohol and drug use or abuse “DBT can be very effective for teens as it encompasses skills that help them navigate the intense feelings and challenges that can arise within themselves and others. DBT provides a framework to address negative thought patterns, regulate emotions, and shift behaviors...
Classes combined video, activities and discussions of facts and beliefs about tobacco, tobacco industry advertising, consequences of tobacco use important to teens and reasons to smoke and reasons to quit. As an alternative to smoking on the patio during breaks, an existing room was identified as ...
put in our ads is supported by multiple studies and reviewed by the FDA CTP’s Office of Science. The challenge for FCB is to transform these hard scientific facts into compelling, attention-getting communications that teens can’t ignore or dismiss....
Drug use can happen in any family, to great kids with great parents. To think that it ‘won’t happen to us’ is spectacularly ignorant, and incredibly dangerous. The happiest, strongest, most connected and loving families can find themselves one day having to deal with teenage drug use. ...