Marijuana continues to be a controversial topic as more states accept the medical and recreational use of the drug. Yet what's going on in the mind of young users? Though many have written marijuana off as a relatively harmless drug, a recent study shows that smoking this drug, particularly...
The messages surrounding marijuana use are, to say the least, a mixed bag. There are those who support legalization and those who vehemently oppose the idea. There are those who tout cannabis' medical benefits and those who declare it a gatewa...
But marijuana use wasn't falling before the pandemic. And vaping was on the upswing. It was only during the pandemic that those two saw enduring declines, too. Some experts wonder if the pandemic lockdowns had a deeper influence. Miech noted that a lot of teens who experiment with e-c...
(Image credit: Smoking marijuana photo via Shutterstock) An increasing number of high-school students say they don't think regular marijuana use is harmful, according to a new report from the National Institutes of Health. Researchers who looked at drug use among American eighth, 10th and 12th...
The perception of being seen as cool if they smoked marijuana was higher among females than males, the survey found. Whilemarijuana useamong teens has remained about the same for nearly a decade, the increasing "coolfactor" is concerning, and teens' usage will be important to monitor in the...
Marijuana use in teenagers is on the rise, while cigarette and alcohol use are stable or declining, according to health statistics researchers. In particular, black teens are using more marijuana than in recent decades. Credit: Penn State
Per Mayo Clinic, using marijuana as a teen or young adult“can affect normal brain development, leading to problems in learning, memory, coordination, reaction time and judgment.” Using marijuana at a young age also increases the risk of developing marijuana use disorder, which occurs when ...
Teens Turning to Marijuana While Use of Tobacco Falls; Survey Finds Drinking Also at Record-Low Level
This survey also found that marijuana use among teens had become as popular as cigarette smoking — if not more popular. The researchers pointed out that marijuana use among 12th graders has remained somewhat consistent, with small increases, while conventional cigarette smoking has decreased over the...
A survey shows that vaping is appealing to teens, which can be seen in the rise of both marijuana use and nicotine vaping. Findings from the 2019 Monitoring the Future (MTF) survey demonstrate the appeal of vaping to teens, as seen in the increased prevalence of marijuana use as w...