TEENAGE PREGNANCY IN JAMAICATEENAGE girls account for nearly one quarter of all births in the West Indian island of...Simpson, TrudyContemporary Review
(1992). Psychosocial factors associated with teenage pregnancy in Jamaica [Electronic version]. Adolescence, 27, 873-90.Keddie, A. M. (1992) Psychosocial factors associated with teenage pregnancy in Jamaica. Adolescence 27: pp. 873-890Keddie A, Psychosocial factors associated with teenage ...
as evidenced by the high rateofteenage pregnancy,thehigh rate of preventable maternal deaths, the feminization [...] daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org 表明这一状 况的现象有:少女怀孕比例高;可以避免的孕产妇死亡率高;艾滋病毒/艾滋病 现象女性化和导致贫穷女性化程度增加的其它因素;以及国内暴力...
In Jamaica, UNFPA has been providing support to reduceteenagepregnancies and to ensure pregnant adolescentgirlsreceive the services they need to [...] daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org 在牙买加,人口基金一直在提供支助,以减少少女怀孕的情况,并确保怀孕 少女获得所需服务,以减轻早孕对她们教育、经...
the highest rate of teenage pregnancy; in 2008 alone, around 23,500 births were recorded among girls and adolescents aged 10 to 19 (2008 newsletter [...] daccess-ods.un.org 关于计划生育,应该指出,萨尔瓦多是拉丁 美 洲 少 女怀 孕率 最高的国家 之一;仅 2008 年就有约 23 500 名 10...
Jamaica has one of the highest rates of teenage pregnancy in the English-speaking Caribbean 牙买加是加勒比英语国家中少女怀孕率最高的国家之一。 MultiUn The report refers to an increase in teenage pregnancy. 报告提到少女怀孕增加的情况。 UN-2 Reproductive health talks were given in communities...
In Jamaica, UNFPA has been providing support to reduceteenagepregnancies and to ensure pregnant adolescent girls receive the services they need to mitigate the effects of early pregnancy on their[...] daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org ...
Relationship between maternal nutritional status and infant's weight and body proportions at birth###A comparative study of pregnancy outcome in teenage g... A retrospective study of births from January to December 1990 was conducted at the University Hospital of the West Indies, Jamaica. The stud...
Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory; Parental Bonding Instrument; Insignificant difference in perception of maternal care and control; Father-figure absence and low self-esteem as risk factors for pregnancy.KeddieArleneM.SmithJeanetteM.JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association...
Attitudes of Midwives towards Teenage Pregnancy and Motherhood in an Urban Specialist Hospital in Jamaicadoi:10.15640/ijn.v4n2a4A. AguInternational Journal of Nursing