wegotoahomelessshelteroranorphanage(孤儿院)andgivethelittleboysand girlsthetoys.Wesharewiththembecausetheydon'thaveenoughmoney."Ricky,s momsuredidhopethathersonunderstoodwhatshewastellinghim. ButlittleRickywasstillconfused.Whydidn,tthelittleboysandgirlshave allthestuffhehad?Rickysmiledathismomandwentrunningto...
(no more than 9 words)Hand_out_food_to_homeless_people_in_the_community.4.阅读文章第四段,完成下列题目:(1)Read the sentences below and decide they are true (T) or false (F).①Adam will have to study harder as a senior high school student.(T)②Adam is unhappy to be here.(F)③...
C. Her pet is a homeless squirrel. D. Her hair is always a bit dirty. 22. What is Hammy’s relationship with the Putterills like A. As he gets older, he wants to leave the Putterills. B. He wants to go everywhere with Abby Putterill, even when she has a shower. C. He is ...