Over the decades, the team expanded to include characters such as Wonder Girl, Speedy, Cyborg, Raven, Starfire, Beast Boy, and more. The franchise has a large following, particularly due to the popularity of the Teen Titans Go! animated series. The animated comedy has run for eight seasons...
titans wrestling titans scar man white raven Titan robot the original teen titans birderang slade death vegitor plasmus mumbo mad mob grandma cyborg project brain Ravens demon pet pain bot super robin robin in his bird experiment all the 4 different robins toon Titans zombie Titans the 5 ...
Below are the known relationships of Raven throughout the series. On the outset, it seems that Raven is incessantly irritated by her four teammates' antics, and tends to brutally punish them whenever they hit her berserk button. However, despite her unca
Robin eventually left Batman, and moved to another city (though it is known to still be close to Gotham) to continue fighting crime, though this time he intended to go solo. He was 15 when he left Batman. Joining Teen TitansRobin met up with Beast Boy, Cyborg, and Raven when Starfire...
In the Teen Titans Go! comics, on Christmas, Cyborg bought Raven an antique bookcase he knew she wanted, causing Raven to become uncharacteristically elated and showing an appreciation for her tastes and hobbies. When they first met, Raven felt as if she did not fit in, but Cyborg reassure...
Princess Koriand'r, translated in English as Starfire, is a member of the Teen Titans and one of the five main protagonists of Teen Titans Go!. Although this intergalactic princess has trouble adapting to Earth life, she makes up for it with her cute loo
The League visit Titans Tower, demanding that Raven return with them so they can keep her safe. However, they have inadvertently led the entity right to Raven, and as the entity possesses the League and tries to take Raven by force, a battle with the Titans ensues...The tone runs from ...
Teen Titans Go! Raven's Rainbow DreamsDecember 23, 2016 Fly on a pony in your dreams and collect rainbows to prolong your sweet dream. Yet, there are balloon that are able to wake you up. Don't touch them! Sweet dreams is a thing that all people love to see. Often they are short...
Titans Amethyst Atom Black Canary Batwoman Beast Boy Bizarro Earth-29 Earth-5 Firestorm Huntress Hawk and Dove Martian Manhunter Raven The Joker The Cheetah Black Lightning Earth-2 Earth-18 Green Lantern Corps Lobo Mister Miracle O.M.A.C. Riddler The Phantom Stranger Trigon Supergirl The FlashMOR...
That's what's up!Beast Boy throughout the series. Garfield Mark Logan, (a.k.a Beast Boy), is a member of the Teen Titans and one of the five main protagonists of Teen Titans Go!. While he is gifted with the ability to transform into animals, Beast Boy us