Teen Titans Go! Il film: Regia di Aaron Horvath, Peter Rida Michail. Con Greg Cipes, Scott Menville, Khary Payton, Tara Strong. Il progetto malvagio di un cattivo per la dominazione del mondo distoglie cinque adolescenti supereroi che sognano la celebrit
少年泰坦出击电影版 Teen Titans Go! To the Movies (2018) http://t.cn/A6EVeVRG 所有的DC超级英雄都拥有了属于他们自己的院线电影,唯独少年泰坦没有。于是罗宾决定带领整个团队前往锡斯尔镇去引起好莱坞...
Teen Titans Go!: Schöpfer: Michael Jelenic, Aaron Horvath Mit Greg Cipes, Scott Menville, Khary Payton, Hynden Walch Die Superhelden-Mitbewohner Robin, Cyborg, Starfire, Raven und Beast Boy lieben es, den Tag zu retten, aber was passiert, wenn sie mit
The Titans must understand common core math to defeat the Calculator. 12 Feb 2:45 AM Wed Free Perk S7E35TOON-E Robin explains health insurance to the other Titans. 12 Feb 3:00 AM Wed Go! S7E36TOON-E Robin learns his catchphrase has been trademarked by another team, which makes it ...
Nicolas Cage Will Finally Play Superman in Teen Titans GO! Movie Movie News Nicolas Cage will finally get his chance to play Superman in the upcoming DC animated comedy Teen Titans GO! to the Movies. ByRyan Scott Mar 13, 2018 Teen Titans Go! to the Movies Poster Pokes Fun at Justice ...
剧情 威尔·阿奈特、克里斯汀·贝尔献声[少年泰坦出击电影版](Teen Titans Go! to the Movies,暂译)。该动画片将由亚伦·霍瓦特、彼得·里达·米卡尔执导。剧版《少年泰坦出击》原版配音人马格雷格·西佩斯、斯科特·门维尔等悉数回归。而威尔·阿奈特、克里斯汀·贝尔两......
To The Movies: Time Cycles Teen Titans Go! To the Movies 1 2:34 Teen Titans Go! To The Movies: Behind The Scenes (Featurette) Teen Titans Go! To the Movies 2 1:20 International Trailer Teen Titans Go! To the Movies 1:30 Trailer #1 Teen Titans Go! To the Movies 215 0:31 Watch ...
Youtube:https://youtu.be/omzz5_Njbbo转载自Youtube。, 视频播放量 2709、弹幕量 1、点赞数 31、投硬币枚数 7、收藏人数 36、转发人数 10, 视频作者 Dominic愷, 作者简介 游戏/战神/奇异人生2/红头罩饭制剧(原作者估计停更了)/Supersons/略小众音乐/绘画视频,目前主要更
Teen Titans Go!Summaries Beast Boy gets a stack of cash from the Tooth Fairy, so, against Raven's advice, the other Titans start knocking out their own teeth to get some of that sweet Tooth Fairy money. Synopsis It looks like we don't have any synopsis for this title yet. Be the fi...