Teen Titans: Raven豆瓣评分:0.0 简介:When a tragic accident takes the life of seventeen-year-old Raven Roth's foster mom--and Raven's memory--she moves to New Orleans to live with her foster mother's family and finish her senior year of
Plus, the return of former Titans long though lost, new arrivals in the form of Miss Martian and Ravager, a... (展开全部) 作者简介 ··· Geoff Johns is an award-winning writer and one of the most popular contemporary comic book writers today. Johns is the author of The New York Ti...
Hearing the groundswell of popularity for these heroes, DC Comics created the Teen Titans, an adolescent group of crimefighters whose presence completely changed the genre.作者简介 Geoff Johns is an award-winning writer and one of the most popular contemporary comic book writers today. Johns is th...
The Teen Titans never felt like normal kids... but they had no idea how right they were. Their seemingly idyllic Oregon upbringing hides a secret -- one that will bring ki... (展开全部) 作者简介· ··· Award-winning Canadian cartoonist Jeff Lemire is the creator of the acclaimed monthl...
“Teen Titans” Cartoons, “Green Lantern: The Animated Series,”“Static Shock” Leaving Max In Dec. 2024 Green Lantern (General Brand)Green Lantern: The Animated SeriesHBO Max/MaxSite NewsStatic ShockTeen TitansTeen Titans Go!Warner Bros. Animation Max has announced the films, series, and ...
Sam Liu Writers Ernie Altbacker(written by)|Marv Wolfman(comic book)(Raven, Starfire, Nightwing, Terra, Brother Blood, Deathstroke & Mother Mayhem created by)|George Pérez(comic book)(Raven, Starfire, Nightwing, Terra, Brother Blood, Deathstroke & Mother Mayhem created by)|Arnold Drake(Beast ...
Teen Titans Go! - 'Nose Mouth' Clip and Images Raven starts using her powers for simple problems and starts becoming evil. The Invincibly Super Massive Comic Book Podcast of Stuff: Episode 54 Scott Lobdell joins the show to talk about Teen Titans, Superman, his thoughts on the X-Men movi...
The hunter becomes the hunted as the Teen Titans set out to end Deathstroke once and for all in these tales from Deathstroke #41-43 and Teen Titans #28-30. Deathstroke's body count has grown even higher after murdering his therapist en route to escaping from Arkham Asylum, which prompts ...
Teen Titans Go! - 'Nose Mouth' Clip and Images Raven starts using her powers for simple problems and starts becoming evil. The Invincibly Super Massive Comic Book Podcast of Stuff: Episode 54 Scott Lobdell joins the show to talk about Teen Titans, Superman, his thoughts on the X-Men movi...
, a kids comic series based on the animated version, in November 2003. In part due to its popular appeal, a comics series, Titans, written by Judd Winick, began in 2008, and included in its initial roster Nightwing, Donna Troy, the Flash (Wally West, formerly Kid Flash), Beast Boy, ...