Teen Titans is a superhero animated TV series based on the DC Comics team of the same name. Airing from 2003 to 2006, the show follows five young heroes—Robin, Starfire, Cyborg, Raven, and Beast Boy—as they battle villains while navigating adolescence.
The Teen Titans appeared in a trio of television short adventures, as part of Filmation’s animatedSuperman-Aquaman Hour(CBS, 1966–1967). On July 19, 2003, the Cartoon Network debuted a half-hourTeen Titansanimated series. The high-rated show featured Robin, Starfire, Cyborg, Raven, and...
Get ready to unleash your heroic potential in “Teen Titans Go! Slash of Justice,” a thrilling combat game where you join forces with your favorite Teen Titans characters. Choose from iconic heroes like Robin, Cyborg, Starfire, Raven, and Beast Boy, each equipped with special abilities and ...
The Teen Titans are the premier team of young heroes in the DCU. Currently led by Damian Wayne, the team fights for the greater good and to recruit other young heroes like them.
Richard John Grayson, known as "Dick" in his childhood, most commonly known as Robin, and formerly known as The Boy Wonder, is the former protégé of Batman, as well as the leader of the Teen Titans, and one of the five main protagonists of Teen Titans
The Titans were soon fighting criminals such as Dr. Light, the Fiddler, Two-Face, and many others. New characters joined up, including the original Bat-Girl, Hawkman protégé Golden Eagle, Duncan (now Hornblower), Duncan’s sting-blasting girlfriend Bumblebee, Beast Boy, the Hawk and the ...
Batman, Superman, Justice League, Batman Beyond, Teen Titans, Static Shock, The Zeta Project, Legion of Super-Heroes, Gotham Girls, Batman: Caped Crusader, Young Justice, Green Lantern, Harley Quinn, DC Universe Animated Original Movie, DC Universe Movie, DC Animated Universe, DCAU, DC Comic...
In the comic book title, the Teen Titans are thoughtful college-age teenagers who grapple with ethical uncertainties. The cartoon turns them into anorexic anime' clichés behaving in that sort of tritely false junior high way only adults who have completely forgotten their teenage years could write...
"There’s a very Pokemon vibe running through Teeny Titans…The game’s battles are much more dynamic and exciting than those in Nintendo’s series.” - Kotaku “…t…
Princess Koriand'r, translated in English as Starfire, is a member of the Teen Titans and one of the five main protagonists of Teen Titans Go!. Although this intergalactic princess has trouble adapting to Earth life, she makes up for it with her cute loo