“Are you calling me nasty, boy?” demanded Grey. “I meant the cane,” said Danny hurriedly. Grey looked hard at him and then said brusquely, “Right. You first. Jeans and underwear off and bend over with your hands on that chair.” Danny’s eyebrows rose at the order to bare his...
Just 2 scoops of air and this inflatable lounge is ready to hangout in. You’ll be chillin’ like a villain in your hammock chair as your friends look on in envy! Use it as an outdoor chair and replace that cumbersome camping hammock, picnic blanket, blowup sofa or air bed. Chillbo...
“The whole experience becomes hard to remember with all of the nerves and excitement, but seeing Blake turn his chair near the end of my song felt so good,” Lape said. “I was so happy.” He added that he’s met “so many good people” along the way and received some voc...
your superhero wears a cape, mine wears mac honey love lipstick . taylor is close to the front, feet from the chair where tana will sit. as we wait, she shows me a framed poem she wrote—entitled “an influence”—that includes sweet (if dystopian) couplets like: “an environment ...
“Rahel drifted into marriage like a passenger drifts towards an unoccupied chair in an airport lounge. With a Sitting Down sense.” (Roy 19). Rahel married Larry because she wanted to get away from her boring, sad life and escape India and her past experiences. He eventually divorced her ...