challenge 1 change 1 Channel Isles 2 chaos 2 chapel 8 charolais 1 cheap 1 check-in 2 cheese 5 cheeseburger 11 chef 4 Chelsea 1 cherry 6 Cheshire 2 chess 2 Chicago 7 chicken 16 chicken nuggets 1 chickens 3 chief 2 Chief Executive Officer 1 child 45 chil...
America, Canada, England --> France, wine enema America, England, + Former English colonies – America is the favorite, and everyone knows America goes into heat for the first time In Progress America has never been sick before America needs more fruit intake COMPLETE Any NyotaliaNation...
Overall, there was no statistical difference between men and women when it came to having tried at least one cyberdeviance activity as a teen. Among students in non-computing majors, 62 percent of women reported participating in a cyberdeviance or cybercrime activity vs. only 55 percent of men...
Gosnell's office in Benghazi raided by the IRS: mainstream media's worst cover-up challenge to date IRS targeting pro-gay-marriage LGBT groups leads to gayest tax revolt in U.S. history After Arlington Cemetery rejects offer to bury Boston bomber, Westboro Babtist Church steps up wi...