Small Batch Single Grain Single Malt Single Pot Still Blackpitts Peated Single Malt Our Story We have deep roots in both Dublin and the Irish Whiskey industry and are renowned for our vision in doing things differently. Our Whiskeys embody this unconventional spirit with innovation at the core ...
帝霖世涛黑啤桶小批量单一麦芽爱尔兰威士忌 Teeling Stout Cask Single Malt Irish Whiskey 帝霖黑凤凰泥煤单一麦芽爱尔兰威士忌 Teeling Blackpitts Peated Single Malt Irish Whiskey 帝霖小批量爱尔兰调和威士忌 Teeling Small Batch Irish Blended Whiskey 帝霖单一谷物爱尔兰威士忌 Teeling Single Grain Irish Whiskey 帝霖...
通过调整原料配比、改进蒸馏工艺和使用不同的橡木桶,TEELING Whisky 创造出了具有独特风味的小批量威士忌,屡获殊荣,提升了爱尔兰威士忌的标准。 TEELING SMALL BATCH 小批量 这款威士忌选用谷类和麦芽威士忌,分别在波本桶和美洲朗姆桶中熟成12个月,亮点在于其水果干香气。 TEELING SINGLE GRAIN 单一谷类 这款威士忌由9...
帝霖出产的威士忌别具一格,甜美顺滑,目前,帝霖推出了帝霖小批量(Teeling Whiskey Small Batch)、帝霖单一谷物(Teeling Whiskey Single Grain)、帝霖单一麦芽(Teeling Whiskey Single Malt)等威士忌酒款,这些酒款品质优异,在国际赛事中也表现不俗。其中,帝霖小批量斩获了2015年旧金山世界烈酒大赛(San Francisco World Sp...
Teeling Small Batch 旨在致敬创新精神。小批量工艺的每一步均倾注匠心,从手工挑选的谷物威士忌和麦芽威士忌酒桶到根据口味混合每一批酒,以及只在最优质的中美洲朗姆酒桶中完成,赋予 Teeling 威士忌独特风味。我们是一家都柏林酒厂,而都柏林是我们创造不同之处。Teeling Small Batch 旨在致敬创新精神。小批量工艺...
帝霖出产的威士忌别具一格,甜美顺滑,目前,帝霖推出了帝霖小批量(Teeling Whiskey Small Batch)、帝霖单一谷物(Teeling Whiskey Single Grain)、帝霖单一麦芽(Teeling Whiskey Single Malt)等威士忌酒款,这些酒款品质优异,在国际赛事中也表现不俗。其中,帝霖小批量斩获了2015年旧金山世界烈酒大赛(San Francisco World Sp...
From Walter Teeling to the latest generation of Teelings in Jack and Stephen who are carrying on the family’s legacy and forging a bright new future for distilling in Dublin and for Irish whiskey. 更多 详情 Each step of the small batch process involves more human interaction, from hand...
At Teeling Whiskey we are dedicated to bringing new, and innovative flavours, to Irish Whiskey. Inspired by both traditional and unconventional techniques in distillation and maturation, Teeling Whiskey is creating small batch bottlings of true character never tasted before, raising the bar for Irish...
Teeling Small Batch Irish Blended Whiskey 产品介绍: 帝霖小批量爱尔兰调和威士忌挑战了爱尔兰威士忌的传统,其层层特有的风味源于其非传统的熟成工艺,手工挑选的谷类和麦芽威士忌在前波本桶中完全熟成,然后在中美洲的朗姆桶中陈年佳酿长达12个月,增加了干果的味道。
Teeling Small Batch, Irish Whiskey 700ml “用朗姆酒桶完成陈化的爱尔兰威士忌.圆润,温和甜美。” 年 份: NV酒 庄:帝霖(Teeling)葡萄品种:玉米,麦芽产 区:爱尔兰, 都柏林 品酒笔记: 浓郁的金黄色.迷人的香味,完美融合了香草、辛香和朗姆...