The work by Wandel and Tal-Or was focused on learning more about the habitability of the two exoplanets. As part of that effort, they noted that both are relatively close to their star, with orbits of just 4.9 and 11.4 days, putting them both firmly in the Goldilocks zone. They note th...
[When I was younger] I watched Star Wars and fell in love with Mark Hamill. I was like, "I'm going to marry him!" It didn't work out. Now I think Paul Rudd is really sexy. I know he's old enough to be my dad, but I just think he's got it going on. I just think he...
jennystar Member since 05/2015 ♛22 2020-08-04 09:03:59 naaah its the angle of the dangle. her other toes are just very long and in this particular shot looks like she has no pinky toe. she actually has a pinky longer than a lot of woman but yeah it looks odd here. Take a...