Billie Eilish x READYMADE 周边T-Shirt系列发布 在携手Star Wars推出合作计画后,READYMADE再次为近日发行James Bond《No Time to Dietheme》主题曲的 Billie Eilish推出新系列作品,灵感来自设计师Yuta Hosoka对Hot Rod文化的热爱,用以涂鸦呈现的暴力美学贯穿设计灵魂。 此系列提供长袖及短袖可供选择,正反面皆有浓烈的...
In No Time to Die after five years in retirement, Bond is living a relaxing life in Jamaica and catches his own fish to eat. However, Bond is not quite himself, and clothes have taken a back seat in his life. He wears nothing other than a simple grey t-shirt that has seen better ...
除了Supreme、OFF-WHITE、PALACE这些风很大又烧钱的,推荐一些相对小众,价格也能接受潮牌。 1、 Carrots by Anwar Carrots 美国创意设计师Anwar Carrots 创立。以自己姓氏 Carrots 为灵感,创作了“胡萝卜”这个玩味元素。 相比其他潮牌,它家对于品质的把控更加严格。 官网自撸:。 上海市静安区...