如果您希望将 stdout(通道 1)和 stderr(通道 2)都记录到同一个文件(包含 stdout 和 sterr 的混合的单个文件),那效果很好。另一种更复杂的解决方案允许您将 stdout 和 stderr 分成 2 个不同的文件(分别为 stdout.log 和 stderr.log)。有时这很重要,有时则不重要。 在许多情况下,其他解决方案远比必要...
对,所以,如果我们用命令行参数/dev/stdout传递到tee,我们会得到两次打印输出--正如前面所得出的结论,生成这两行的必须是tee。这意味着,在没有参数的情况下使用时,|tee基本上不会 浏览11提问于2022-02-08得票数 3 回答已采纳 3回答 将stderr重定向到记录器,然后重定向到文件。 、、、 我试图从命令中获取std...
您应该在一开始就备份原始描述符(stdout和stderr),然后在exec重定向之前 恢复它们。#!/bin/bash -e # backup stdout/stderr in file descriptor 3 and 4 resp.exec 3>&1 4>&2 function redirectOutputToLogFile() { local -r logFile="${1}" ...
我正在将bash脚本日志记录移植到Powershell,它在文件的顶部包含以下内容: 代码语言:javascript 复制 # redirect stderr and stdout backupdir="/backup" logfile=$backupdir/"std.log" exec > >(tee -a $logfile) exec 2> >(tee -a $logfile >&2) echo "directory listing:" ls -la 使用exec语句时,stdo...
The second thing to know is that not all output is the same. Error messages are treated differently, and although they appear on screen, they are not considered stdout, so they won’t be caught by tee. (They are considered stderr.) Here’s an example ongrep. ...
processStdOut =newLineFilterOutputStream(newTeeOutputStream(out, console.getConsoleOutputStream(false)), DEFAULT_CHARSET); processStdErr =newLineFilterOutputStream(newTeeOutputStream(err, console.getConsoleOutputStream(true)), DEFAULT_CHARSET);
When enabled using the --download, -d flag, response headers are printed to the terminal (stderr), and a progress bar is shown while the response body is being saved to a file. $ http --download https://github.com/jakubroztocil/httpie/archive/master.tar.gz HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Di...
@Before public final void captureStdout() { originalStdout = System.out; originalStderr = System.err; capturedOutputBytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); System.setOut(new PrintStream(new TeeOutputStream(originalStdout, capturedOutputBytes))); System.setErr(new PrintStream(new TeeOutputStream(original...
ECHO Display text on screen and redirect it to a file simultaneously ECHO. IF NOT "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" ECHO Usage: some_command ¦ TEE.BAT [ -a ] filename IF NOT "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" GOTO Skip ECHO Usage: some_command ^| TEE.BAT [ -a ] filename ...
added to fd set. The file descriptor cannot be stdin, stdout, or stderr. ``set=set`` This option defines the ID of the fd set to add the file descriptor to. ``opaque=opaque`` This option defines a free-form string that can be used to ...