4771 Campus DriveIrvine, California, 92612United States Event type: Youth (What is this?) See more TEDxUniversity High School Youth events Organizing team DominicFratantaro Organizer TED Programs & initiatives TEDx TED Fellows TED Ed TED Translators TED Institute ...
In a world that often emphasizes apparent perfection, TEDxYouth@AvenorCollege aims to open a window to a different reality, where perfection is not a rigid ideal, but a personal, authentic journey. The speakers at this event are individuals who have managed to create their own utopias. Through...
TEDxYouth is a vibrant platform that empowers our community to share their unique stories and experiences. Beyond the inspiring talks, the event fostered lively audience discussions, allowing attendees to engage deeply with the speakers and connect ...
Event Agenda 13:00-16:30 Opening SpeechFirst speech session and Q&A sessionTea BreakSecond speech session and Q&A sessionPerformanceThird speech session and Q&A sessionClosing SpeechYou are welcomed to follow our accounts on...
How AI, Art, Sports, & Traveling Transform Our Lives Sustainable Styled Fashion Show Student-led Food Waste Reduction & Community Gardening Projects New Perspectives on Personality & Self-Concept This event is free and open to the public - Register Now ...
”TED connects all young people from all of the world by this “x” conference. Its spirit of spreading all the ideas worth be spread encourages people speaking out. I want to show my appreciation to all the students who volunteer to organize this event. This event is a great success, ...
Youth Event:仅面向青少年。广西第一个申请下来牌照的城市也是桂林。Salon Event:一般是已经申请成功大会...
Youth Event:仅面向青少年。广西第一个申请下来牌照的城市也是桂林。 Salon Event:一般是已经申请成功大会牌照的志愿者团队,为了在大型活动举办间隙,还能保持社群活跃,而单独申请的小型沙龙活动,一般以观看TED视频并进行讨论为主。 Business Event:一般是企业内部申请,作为企业内部培训举办的活动类型,比如腾讯就有此活动牌...
工作坊亮点 医学人工智能体验工作坊 “和平”主题沉浸式艺术工作坊 AI作画及手绘素描工作坊 正面管教育儿工作坊 演讲亮点 史上最年幼演讲者 主题亮点 原创音乐作品 多元社会文化观察 人工智能、艺术、体育和旅行如何改变人们的生活 可持续时尚秀 节约粮食及社区园艺学生项目 ...
2023 TEDxHWSSH Youth TEDx是由TED (technology, entertainment & design) 官方授权的地方性独立活动,TEDxYouth是TED演讲授权的面向青少年群体的活动。它继承了TED“传播有价值的思想”的理念,致力于在地方社区中激发有深度的思考和对话。TEDx is a locally organized independent event authorized by TED (technology,...