Attend › TEDx events In the spirit of TED’s mission, “ideas worth spreading,” the TEDx program helps communities, organizations and individuals produce TED-style events at the local level. TEDx events are planned and coordinated independently, on a community-by-community basis, under a free...
See more TEDxMünchen events Speakers Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information. Dominik Bloh Autor + Bundesverdienstkreuzträger Dominik Bloh landete mit 16 in Hamburg auf der Straße. Er ging weiter zur Schule, machte Abitur, niemand merkte ...
We are looking for inspiring, engaging, and creative speakers of all ages and backgrounds. If you think that you have anIdea Worth Spreading, please complete our contact form. Contact Us Be a Sponsor We wouldn’t be able to host these captivating and stimulating events without the support of...
In the spirit of "ideas worth spreading", TEDx is a program of independently organized events created by TED, where “x” stands for “independently organized”. 秉承“传播有价值想法”的精神,TED创建了一个名为“TEDx”的组...
Although faculty have fantastic ideas and often have extremely relevant ideas for policy, they're not always capable ofdelivering those ideas in a way that's compelling. And it worked! People were emailing me afterwards,asking‘How did you find such amazing speakers?’ ...
We have the theatre, which will host the stage for speakers and performers over 4 amazing sessions. During those session breaks, we have curated the... null At home in Australia: Learning from new neighbours at TEDxSydney George Najarian, a jewellery maker and refugee, told me during the ...
“Ideas worth spreading,” TED has created a program called TEDx. Our event is called TEDxSoongChingLingSchool. At our event, speakers will share their ideas and spark deep discussions and connections. The TED Conference...
Speakers Kirk Wallace Talk title:What a Waste Improperly discarded municipal solid waste (garbage) poses a serious threat to public health and the environment in thousands of communities around the world. Kirk Wallace discusses a simple, innovative and sustainable solution being piloted in an ...
to the TED brand because of that. And recently, not too long ago, I was talking to a past client who also is a TEDx speaker and she said she was talking to some event organizers and asked them, you know what, like what are the going rates that you’re paying for speakers?
to it.I've been a huge fan of this international network of talks for years, often turning to them to lighten mood, become inspired, fuel curiosity or learn more while going about my chores, instead of having the radio bumbling away. I've learnt so much from thewide range of speakers....