Posesorski, Sherie
When Roosevelt’s wife Alice died of undiagnosed kidney failure shortly after giving birth to their daughter Alice, and on the same day and in the same house as his mother died of typhoid fever 11 hours earlier, he simply put a giant X in his journal and wrote one sentence under it: “...
February 12, 1884Alice Lee Roosevelt Longworth (Daughter) born in New York City, New York. (Her mother Alice Roosevelt would die a couple of days later) February 14, 1884Martha “Mittie” Stewart Bulloch Roosevelt (Mother) dies in New York City, New York. (She would die a few hours bef...
Teddy & Alice Original Broadway Version (1987) The battle of wills between the great American President and his free-spirited daughter is the heart of this family drama. Matching the upbeat music of John Philip Sousa to a tale about rambunctious Teddy Roosevelt and his oldest daughter proves a...
Straightaway, Roosevelt headed from the pier to the speaker's platform. He was in the midst of shaking hands with cabinet members, senators and congressmen, governors and mayors when his daughter Alice cried, "Turn around, father, and look at the crowd." Outspread before him was "one vast...
1884年,Alice Lee逝世后,Teddy Roosevelt…,堆糖图片。堆糖,美图壁纸兴趣社区。拥有几十亿高清优质图片,数千万用户的珍藏分享,一键收藏下载美图,点亮生活无限灵感,做你的美好研究所:情侣头像,手机壁纸,表情包,头像,壁纸,高清壁纸,图片,壁纸图片,图片下载。
Hotel Colorado maids presented him with a stuffed bear pieced together with scraps of fine material. Later, when he did bag a bear, his daughter Alice admired it saying, "I will call it Teddy." The term caught on.According to another legend, the name is said to come from an...
Bennet mentioned that her nephew, Teddy, had sent a teddy bear as a gift for her youngest daughter. 译文:班纳特夫人提到她的侄子特迪送了一只泰迪熊给她最小的女儿作为礼物。 (注:此句为改编,原著中并未直接提及Teddy或Teddy Bear,但为符合题目要求进行了适当改编。) 出处:《爱丽丝梦游仙境》(Alice's ...
To cheer Theodore Roosevelt after an unsuccessful day of hunting, Hotel Colorado maids presented him with a stuffed bear pieced together with scraps of fine material. Later, when he did bag a bear, his daughter Alice admired it saying, "I will call it Teddy." The term caught on.According ...
Later, when he did bag a bear, his daughter Alice admired it saying, "I will call it Teddy." The term caught on. According to another legend, the name is said to come from an incident on a bear-hunting trip in Mississippi in 1902, when Roosevelt's attendants found and caught an ...