TED-Ed celebrates the ideas of teachers and students around the world. Discover hundreds of animated lessons, create customized lessons, and share your big ideas.
TED-Ed - TED’s education initiative - sparks and celebrates the ideas of teachers and students around the world. TED-Ed serves millions of teachers and students every week with its original videos, interactive lessons, student clubs, and more.
Discovering and creating TED-Ed lessons, Clubs + more Common questions about the TED Fellows program. Promoted articles How do I reset my TED.com account password? TED.com Comments FAQ How do I cancel renewal of my TED Membership subscription?
View TED-Ed’s new climate education resource .“TED Explores: A New Climate Vision” is a 60-minute film that brings to life the groundbreaking ideas shared at the 2023 TED Countdown Summit in Detroit, Michigan. Hosted by Manoush Zomorodi of the TED Radio [...] The hidden cost of the...
创建者:TED-ED官网播放次数:3 12个内容·公开 播放全部视频 批量操作 全部分区 最近收藏 当前 45:34 播放:1751 收藏:77 UP主:妖猫不会转 投稿:2022-5-27 【辩论赛】职场人士是否需要恐惧AI 收藏于: 2年前 02:20:21 播放:7.7万 收藏:1810 UP主:Tracy_Buiii ...
TED演讲|毕业演讲|传统文化 关注7.5万 默认收藏夹 1/13 创建者:椰子冻_7 收藏 【TED-Ed】2021年合集!官网最全收录!无字幕!纯享版!科普动画短片! 7.1万播放 1 - The life cycle of a cup of coffee 04:47 2 - Why should you read Toni Morrison's ‘’Beloved''? 04:49 3 - A day in the...
【TED五月】世界可以从中国的创新剧本中学到什么 - 宏观经济学教授、哈佛大学毕业、伦敦政治经济学院教授,金立群之女金刻羽。 TED每日精选 1.2万 8 05:26 【TED-Ed】妊娠的惊人影响 TED每日精选 4.5万 33 05:29 【TED演讲】如何在新工作中取得成功 9月TED官网新肉集合 TED每日精选 2154 0 07:20 ...
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【TED-Ed】2021年合集!官网最全收录!无字幕!纯享版!科普动画短片!英语研习社 1 - The life cycle of a cup of coffee 2 - Why should you read Toni Morrison's ‘’Beloved''? 3 - A day in the life of an ancient Babylonian business mogul 4 - These squids can fly... no, really 5 - ...