打开网易新闻 查看更多视频 TED演讲 | 拼多多登TED舞台:如何重新找回网购的乐趣 中英对照翻译 Growing up, one of my fondest memories was of going to a local market with my mom every month in the small town in India where we lived. We would spend the morning walking through an intricate maze...
自然之美易被忽略,但不会被路易.施华兹伯格的镜头忽略。他那令人叹为观止的延时摄影,伴随着本笃会修士大卫.斯坦德-拉斯特强有力的旁白,如冥想般感恩过好每一天。 打开网易新闻 查看更多视频 TED演讲:镜头下让人惊叹的自然美~ 中英演讲稿 1.When I graduated UCLA,I moved to northern California, and I lived ...
打开网易新闻 查看更多视频 附 中英演讲稿 Joe Kowan: I have stage fright. I've always had stage fright, and not just a little bit, it's a big bit. And it didn't even matter until I was 27. That's when I started writing songs, and even then I only played them for myself. Just...
1.7万 播放 小姨妈爱旅游 爱旅游 收藏 下载 分享 手机看
打开网易新闻 查看更多视频 TED学院 | 中了500万美金生活却被毁掉:不要再幻想用金钱买来幸福!(音频-视频-文稿) 中英文对照翻译 So I want to talk today about money and happiness, which are two things a lot of us spend a lot of our time thinking about, either trying to earn them or trying ...
打开网易新闻 查看精彩图片 I looked like a lost hiker that was too close to the edge. I was surrounded by people talking on cell phones and having picnics. I felt like I was in a mall. 我看起来像一个站在山顶边缘迷失了方向的徒步登山者。我身边都是在打电话、野餐的游客们。我感觉像是在商...
【TED演讲:3个技巧让你真正学会存钱】 大家都知道存钱很重要,但不论一个人有多聪明、意志力多强,理性消费都是一件很难做到的事,主要是因为我们的消费行为会受到消费环境的影响。想要改变消费习惯,就要改变...
打开网易新闻 查看更多视频 TED学院 | 那个爱说谎的孩子,后来怎么样了……(音频-视频-文稿) 中英对照翻译 Hi. Let me ask the audience a question: Did you everlie as a child? If you did, could you please raise your hand? Wow! This is themost honest group of people I've ever met. 大...