演讲题目:改变自己,只需要两年时间You don't Need More Than Two Years 中英文对照翻译 Two years is nothing, but at the same time, a lot can be accomplished in two years. You can try a sport you've always wanted to start, and become a great at it. 两年时间不算什么,但在这段时间里,我...
QQ柏琦创建的收藏夹TED内容:【双语字幕】TED演讲|不要让你的过去决定你是谁!|原标题:You don't Need More Than Two Years,如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览
梦醒花语创建的收藏夹英语演讲内容:【双语字幕】TED演讲|不要让你的过去决定你是谁!|原标题:You don't Need More Than Two Years,如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览
You don't need more than 2 years David Ams Two years is nothing, but at the same time, a lot can be accomplished in two years. You can try a sport you've always wanted to start, and become a great at it. 两年时间不算什么,但...
TED3-「改变自己只需要两年时间」。今天想要跟大家分享的是David Ams的「You don’t need more than 2 years」✌️ 人是不轻易被改变的,如果人会寻求改变,那一定是经历过了某些事,开悟了才会去寻求改变。改变非常的难,其实难在心里;但改变也非常简单,毕竟习惯的养成也不需要2年的时间。 分享这篇TED给我...
TED演讲:改变自己只需要两年时间(you don't need more than two years), 每一天都很重要(every day counts)#给自己两年时间# û收藏 转发 评论 ñ赞 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... 查看更多 a 753关注 245粉丝 1181微博 微关系 他...
You don't need more than 2 years David Ams Two years is nothing, but at the same time, a lot can be accomplished in two years. You can try a sport you've always wanted to start, and become a great at it. 两年时间不算什么,但在这段时间里,我们可以做很多事情。你可以尝试练习一项你...
成功不是一个偶然事件,它是个长久的过程和心态。微小的行动能让你走向成功的道路。微小的行动能带来巨大的改变。两年后在镜子中看看自己,你会想“时间过的真快”。每一天都很重要。 - 【改变自己,只需要两年】 题目:You don't Need More Than Two Years 演讲者:David Ams...
ted you don't need more than two years 文本 ted you don't need more than two years文本【释义】ted you don't need more than two years 泰德,你不需要超过两年
二、视频题目:改变自己,只需要两年时间(You don’t need more than 2 years ) 三、深刻理解到的内容是 1.Two years (1)Two years is nothing if you waste it Two years being passive is a blink of aneye (2)Two years is a lot if you make it count With small actions, substantial commitment...