我通常都在闹市区的破酒吧和街角做这事儿 so this mightn't be the most appropriate setting, 这里可能不算是个合适的地方 but I'd like to give you guys a bit of a demonstration about what I do. 但我还是想给大家稍微做个示范究竟我是从事什么工作 And now,...
我通常都在闹市区的破酒吧和街角做这事儿 so this mightn't be the most appropriate setting, 这里可能不算是个合适的地方 but I'd like to give you guys a bit of a demonstration about what I do. 但我还是想给大家稍微做个示范究竟我是从事什么工作 And now,...
The last time we saw Inspector Clouseau, the once-illustrious Pink Panther franchise had fallen on hard times with actor (now TV director)Ted Wassstuck in the thankless role of attempting to fill the latePeter Sellers' formidable footwear in 1983's "Curse of the Pink Panther". ...
Wassup. Thank you very much, TEDx. 大家好吗?非常感谢,TEDx If you guys haven't figured it out already, my name's Tom Thum, and I'm a beatboxer, 如果大家还不知道的话,我叫汤姆·图姆,我是个口技表演家 which means all the sounds that you just heard 也就是说刚刚大家听到的所有声音 were...
Wed Mar 19 2025 21:38:06 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) Kai®:Ted, I tried to have dinner at the place that is directly past the Pepsi sign - it is called the Drunken Uncle :) But they were closed on St. Patrick's day. So I ate at Crossroads. ...
Overtime,nutritiousfoodwassupplantedbyinexpensivecheapfoodthatwasavailabletoeverybodydidn’thavealotofnutrition,whilehealthynutritiousfoodwaslimitedtothedietaryelite,thepeoplethatshopatWholeFoods. 随着时间推移,那些有营养的食物被廉价的食物取代了,那些营养不足的人很容易就能获得这些廉价的食物;而只有那些饮食精英才能...
第5页共5页 Overtime,nutritiousfoodwassupplantedby inexpensivecheapfoodthatwasavailabletoeverybody didn’thavealotofnutrition,whilehealthy nutritiousfoodwaslimitedtothedietaryelite,the peoplethatshopatWholeFoods. 随着时间推移,那些有营养的食物被廉价的食物取代了,那些营养不足的人很容易就能获得这些廉价的食物;...
Wassup. Thankyouverymuch,TEDx. Ifyouguyshaven'tfigureditoutalready, myname'sTomThum,andI'mabeatboxer, whichmeansallthesoundsthatyoujustheard weremadeentirelyusingjustmyvoice, andtheonlythingwasmyvoice. AndIcanassureyou thereareabsolutelynoeffects
Overtime,nutritiousfoodwassuPPlantedByinexPensivecheaPfoodthatwasavailaBletoeveryBodydidnthavealotofnutrition,whilehealthynutritiousfoodwaslimitedtothedietaryelite,thePeoPlethatshoPatWholeFoods. 随着时间推移,那些有营养的食物被廉价的食物取代了,那些营养不足的人很容易就能获得这些廉价的食物;而只有那些饮食精英才能...
恋爱法则,《恋爱法则》,美国电视剧,Ted Wass、安迪·阿克曼导演,帕特里克·沃伯顿、大卫·斯佩德、奥利弗·赫斯顿主演。