And with that fateful decision began a four-year commitment, tossing back and forth between fear and courage to undertake a 12-day expedition. Four days on horseback to cross Grand Canyon rim to rim, and eight days rafting 150 miles of the Colorad...
Jill Dash · 2.2M plays · 21 days ago Psychology Grab a front-row seat to unravelling the mysteries of the human mind and embark on a journey of self-discovery. Browse all Psychology 5 min education Is telekinesis real? Telekinesis, the ability to manipulate matter with the mind alone, is...
伟大但有弱点的英雄,如麦克白和奥赛罗。 Below even the unlikely but eventual heroes such as Harry Potter, Luke Skywalker, or Hiccup, until we reach the bottom and meet the anti-hero. 再往下, 不像英雄但最终成为英雄的哈利波特,天行者卢克,或驯龙记里的希卡普,最后,我们遇见在底部的”反英雄“。 Con...
In fear, just like in fiction, one thing always leads to another. When I was writing my first novel, "The Age Of Miracles," I spent months trying to figure out what would happen if the rotation of the Earth suddenly began to ...
Matt Walker是一名睡眠科学家,在演讲中他分享了在你睡着的时候你的大脑和身体会发生的好事,以及在你没有睡着的时候发生的令人震惊的坏事。 我们从流行病的大数据中了解到,睡眠越少,生命越短。 为了了解熬夜究竟有没有危害,Matt做了一组对比实验:分为睡眠充足组和睡眠不足组。 睡眠充足组可以睡够八个小时,而睡眠...
Jay Walker: In Latin America, in India, in Southeast Asia, and most of all, in China. If you're a Chinese student, you start learning English in the third grade, by law. That's why this year, China will become the world's largest English-speaking country. ...
where I served for two years after the devastating 2010 earthquake. And then my work brought me to the United States. And even as the disease progressed significantly and I needed leg braces and a walker to get around, I still longed for adventure. And this time, I started dreaming of a...
Jill Dash · 2.2M plays · 21 days ago Psychology Grab a front-row seat to unravelling the mysteries of the human mind and embark on a journey of self-discovery. Browse all Psychology 5 min education Is telekinesis real? Telekinesis, the ability to manipulate matter with the mind alone, is...
Although I still get quite irritable when Africa is referred to as a country, the most recent example being my otherwise wonderful flight from Lagos two days ago, in which there was an announcement on the Virgin flight about the charity work in “India, Africa and other countries.”So, ...
3月21日是世界睡眠日,今年中国的主题是“良好睡眠,健康同行”。你的睡眠好吗? 今天和大家分享一个十分著名且播放量超过千万的TED演讲。演讲者是著名脑科学家马特·沃克(Matt Walker),他分享的题目是《Sleep is Your Superpower》,翻译过来就是:睡眠也是你的一种超能力。