The global economic financial crisis has reignited public interest in something that's actually one of the oldest questions in economics, dating back to at least before Adam Smith. And that is, why is it that countries with seemingl...
The global economic financial crisis has reignited public interest in something that's actually one of the oldest questions in economics, dating back to at least before Adam Smith. And that is, why is it that countries with seemingly similar economies and institutions can display radically different...
The global economic financial crisis has reignited public interest in something that's actually one of the oldest questions in economics, dating back to at least before Adam Smith. And that is, why is it that countries with seemingly similar economies and institutions can display radically different...
The global economic financial crisis has reignited public interest 全球金融危机让人们对早在亚当·斯密时代 in something that's actually one of the oldest questions in economics, dating back to at least before Adam Smith. 就被提出的一个古老的经济学问题重新产生了兴趣: And that is, why is it tha...
The global economic financial crisis has reignited public interest in something that's actually one of the oldest questions in economics, dating back to at least before Adam Smith. And that is, why is it that countries with seemingly similar economies and institutions can display radically different...
The global economic financial crisis has reignited public interest in something that's actually one of the oldest questions in economics, dating back to at least before Adam Smith. And that is, why is it that countries with seemingly similar economies and institutions can display radically different...
Thatwinter, IhadbeendoingresearchontheaftermathofthefinancialcrisisinLatvia. 于是,我站在原地,开始思考着它的含义,我注意到自己正站在里加市社会福利部外面。似乎这个涂鸦的作者,不管他是谁,正在向前来申请社会福利的人询问这个问题。那个冬天,我一直在研究拉脱维亚金融危机的后果。 WhentheGlobalFinancialCrisiserupted...
That raises the question: is infinite growth possible on a finite planet? 那么问题来了:对于有限的星球资源来说,无限的经济增长可能实现吗? We measure economic growth by tracking the total financial value of everything a country (or the world) produces and sells on the market. ...
We measure economic growth by tracking the total financial value of everything a country or the world produces and sells on the market. These products can help us meet basic needs or improve our individual and collective quality of lives. ...
So in 2002, I published this book Rich Dad’s Prophecy. 14 years later, prediction was that 2016 there’d be a global financial crash. We’re in 2016 and here we are in 2016. You can see it coming. In the first 10 years of this century we have had three major crashes: in 2000...