Newest Talks 12:11 Work is broken. Gen Z can help fix it Amanda Schneider 06:00 A concrete plan for sustainable cement Ryan Gilliam 05:45 What you miss when you focus on the average Sharon Zicherman 08:49 How light and code can transform a city ..., home of TED Talks, is a global initiative about ideas worth spreading via TEDx, The Audacious Project, TED Books, TED Conferences, TED-Ed and more. Ted-ed近1000P包含完整的标题按原频道发布时间顺序排序,上传全部的英文CC字幕和中文CC字幕给每个视频上传对应的字幕很累的,如果有所帮助,三连关注支持一下吧。 开启CC字幕1,想要文本2 1.开启CC字幕方法 2....
This video was recently uploaded by TEDtalksDirector and i find it so interesting!!! It also relates to Week 3's topic. The speaker Sherry Turkle, was als... Hey Alpha, I completely agree with what you say here. I would also turn to google for the average health complication and if ...
知友们会发现,以上超链接都是ted官网的链接,也许很多人会在网易公开课、youtube、或是其他地方观看ted的视频,但我仍然认为学习ted课程最好的地方还是ted的官网。 为什么呢? 以Helen Fisher的科学并没有改变爱,让我告诉你原因课程为例: 首先,点开课程链接,进入网页后,你会看到视频下方有以下菜单栏: Details(详细信...
onOct 14, 2024 We’ve been cooking up something new that we’re thrilled to finally be able to share with you. The TED Fellows Film Series is a brand new kind of content from TED. These short films are a mix of TED Talks and short-form documentaries about TED Fellows. Who are these...
videos of 10-year-old girls crying. But, like, really crying. And then I watch as people repost these videos but with new titles that contain words like "crazy" and "creepy" and "insane." And suddenly, my YouTube sidebar con...
Announcing AI-adapted multilingual TED Talks, unblocking language barriers By TED Localization Team on May 20, 2024 Imagine the world’s most captivating TED Talks at your fingertips, voiced in your own language. At TED, we believe that ideas are universal and that they should be ... Oct 23 YouTube Does time exist? - Andrew Zimmerman Jones ...