继2007年与国家地理学会达成战略合作伙伴关系后,NGL在2014年与TED建立独家合作伙伴关系,在素质教育和英语语言学习领域为全球教育市场提供优质教学资源。 TED Talks为学习者提供了一个交流思想、培养沟通能力的平台。国家地理学习出版的TED Talks...
While captivating an audience is a skill that takes years to develop, there are some simple ways to quickly improve your public speaking and presentation skills from the TED Talks. Always give the audience something to take home. ...
You can see this clearly in TED Talks Presentation, where one speaker’s ideas could be similar to others, but what matters is how they view it from another perspective and develop it in their own way. The audience will not want to listen to an old topic with an old approach that hundr...
D部分 D部分依然是以TED Talks 形式跟孩子们分享考古的重大发现,不过它比A部分的引入要难一些,是一个进阶听力练习。 D部分最大的特点在于加入了"Presentation Skills",将听力口语的结合做到极致。 比如12单元给孩子培养的公众演讲能力是Using descriptive language(使用描述性语言),而这恰恰是中国学生最弱的,我们的孩...
1 1A 1B 1C Bluegrass from 1D New Jersey 1 TED Talks SLEEPY MAN BANJO BOYS are from the U.S. state of New Jersey—what they jokingly call “the bluegrass capital of the world”. These young brothers were inspired to teach themselves a new kind of music and share it with the 1A ...
D部分以TED Talks的形式呈现,内容比A部分更加深入,是一次进阶的听力练习。孩子将在聆听考古等重大发现的过程中,挑战自己的听力水平。同时,D部分还融入了“Presentation Skills”的训练,让孩子在听力练习中锻炼口语表达能力,将听力与口语完美结合,达到事半功倍的效果。
D部分依然是以TED Talks 形式跟孩子们分享考古的重大发现,不过它比A部分的引入要难一些,是一个进阶听力练习。 D部分最大的特点在于加入了"Presentation Skills",将听力口语的结合做到极致。 比如12单元给孩子培养的公众演讲能力是Using descriptive language(使用描述性语言),而这恰恰是中国学生最弱的,我们的孩子很难...
1别忘了给听众⼀些能带回家的话 Dan Ariely:别忘了时常给听众讲⼀些易于操作的⽅法。因为⽆论你的演讲信息多么⿎舞⼈⼼,其实听众更关⼼的是能从中学到任何可实践的⽅法。有启发的演讲当然很棒,但远⽐不上⼀个 实⽤的点⼦:请永远不⽤害怕去说“今晚,还在苦苦挣扎的他们,明天这些...
doi:10.1097/NNE.0000000000001108Cheng, Su-Fen PhD, RNKuo, Chien-Lin PhD, RNLee, Chi-Chun PhDWei, Serene Hsin-Min MEdHuang, Chu-Yu PhD, RNNurse Educator
She talks about the criminal justice system acting as a cast system. She tried to work to get rid of racial bias. 256 Words 2 Pages Satisfactory Essays Read More Example Of Ethos Appeal For this presentation my main goal is to capture the audience attention until the end. The background ...