16:18 Fields Wicker-Miurin Learning from leadership's missing manual 16 minutes 18 seconds 20:34 Itay Talgam Lead like the great conductors 20 minutes 34 seconds 06:00 Drew Dudley Everyday leadership 6 minutes 09:06 Roselinde Torres What it takes to be a great leader ...
My exuberance was replaced with timidness, my leadership with conformity, my boldness with fear. I don’t think any of us leave childhood without some ropes despite our parents’ best intentions. I grew up with a moth...
Explore our TED@BCG video gallery for progressive ideas on leadership, organizations, and society. Browse our curated selection of videos for up-to-date inspiration and find our full library of more than 100 TED Talks, categorized by key topics, at the bottom of the page. ...
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https://www.ted.com/talks/david_logan_on_tribal_leadership/up-next#t-12636 Tribe: society gets built (natural occurring group) People form tribe and there are different tribes can only hear one stage above and below where they are
Explore our TED@BCG video gallery for progressive ideas on leadership, organizations, and society. Browse our curated selection of videos for up-to-date inspiration and find our full library of more than 100 TED Talks, categorized by key topics, at the bottom of the page. ...
▲视频链接:http://www.ted.com/talks/drew_dudley_everyday_leadership?language=en 4、你是一个给予者还是一个索取者? 演讲人:亚当•格兰特(Adam Grant) 作为沃顿商学院教授以及畅销书《给予和索取》的作者,格兰特认为,在每个工作场所都存在三种基本类型的人:给予者、索取者和匹配者。格兰特打破了这些框框,并且...
▲视频链接:http://www.ted.com/talks/drew_dudley_everyday_leadership?language=en 4、你是一个给予者还是一个索取者? 演讲人:亚当•格兰特(Adam Grant) 作为沃顿商学院教授以及畅销书《给予和索取》的作者,格兰特认为,在每个工作场所都存在三种基本类型的人:给予者、索取者和匹配者。格兰特打破了这些框框,并且...
4 TED Talks to Build Leadership SkillsAndrew Deen
Great TED Talks Leadership 英文原版 伟大的TED演讲 领导力 来自100位TED演讲者的智慧之言 英文版 进口英语原版书籍 作者:Harriet Minter Page出版社:Portico出版时间:2021年02月 手机专享价 ¥ 当当价 降价通知 ¥75.00 配送至 广东广州市 至 北京市东城区 服务 由“华研外语旗舰店”发货,并提供售后服务...